My bud Kelly just pointed me to these cool Powerbook bags. This looks like it could work. I want something very slim and form-fitting for my 12″ to basically protect it from scratches. Most of the time it’ll probably be inside my messenger bag, but I need to protect it from scratches inside of that. Any suggestions?
Hi Matt,
I use an STM “glove” for my 12″ Powerbook, and it works great. It’s made out of the same material as wetsuits, and prevents the case from getting horribly scratched in my backpack at uni. It’s pretty inexpensive too. According to the site, STM products are available in places other than Australia (including the US), but I don’t know how widespread they are.
The product page is here.
Hope this helps!
Those bags look very … metrosexual somehow
Shinza sells these cases which I use. They are bloody brilliant, I must say, and worth the money.
Two words: WaterField SleeveCase. Hands down the best laptop sleeve I’ve ever used. (If anyone is interested in a SleeveCase for a 17″ PowerBook, I have an extra one…)
Waterfield gets my vote too.
I use a Tumi bag which has a nice sleeve in it… but I just ran across this in my agregator… sounds like a good deal…
One more plug for WaterField, and advice that you need not waste your time looking anywhere else. Seriously. sells similar items made specifically to fit mac powerbooks and they are made to be used with messenger bags, check them out!
I had a TimBuk2 sleeve for my 15″ PowerBooks and loved it. I got the Commute XL for the 17″, it has a nice built-in compartment so I don’t need a sleeve anymore.
I bought a cool neoprene sleeve for my itty-bitty laptop at Fry’s. It says “Vaio” on the front, but I know it will fit a small Powerbook too. I’ve been really happy with it!
I have an Acme bag for my 12″ Powerbook, and I love the thing. It’s sturdy, attractive, and (if you get the black bag) not garish at all, in contrast to most laptop bags I’ve seen. However, if you need something to protect your laptop while it’s inside a messenger bag, it’s probably not the best choice; it’s small, but it’s not that small. Something like the Radtech Powersleevz might be a better choice, if you can forgive them for the tacky ‘z’ in the product name.
Also of potential interest, if you don’t want something that resembles a gym bag, are Foofbags, lovingly handsewn in an Irish tower, and the PowerPizza, which is, um, a pizza box.
I swear by Spire bags and sleeves. For a 12″, you can get a horizontal sleeve or a vertical sleeve. Both fit nicely into backpacks, include a pocket large enough for most paper, and also include a strap if you want to travel without your larger bag.
Spire ++
Great customer service as well.
if you’re just worried about the buckles, etc. from the messenger bag scratching it, I have a number of suggestions. Email me. Love, C
I like my ZeroShock from Shinza, but my housemate sewed up a lovely bag out of an old purple t-shirt which seems to be working quite well for him.
Well I ran into the same dilemma and just ordered this:
scratch that. I read a bunch of review and decided to go with the ZeroShock from Aparently the Booq is very solid but too big. The zeroshock sleeve seemed to be the most protection, without sacrificing small sleek size.