Katrina Metasearch

Yahoo has done a Katrina people metasearch, possibly the most useful thing anyone in the tech community has done thus far. Yahoo just went up several notches in my book.

2 thoughts on “Katrina Metasearch

  1. Have you seen the open source PeopleFinder Project? http://www.aspirationtech.org/node/112

    They are trying to aggregate all the data from the various lost-people-finders that have been set up.

    (1) Creating a technology specification for easily exchanging refugee information. A volunteer effort is working to assist online databases in implementing the specification.
    Volunteer here (techies): http://www.omidyar.net/group/katrinarefugee/news/1/

    (2) Coordinating volunteers that are writing software that takes information from online databases and putting it into a central database provided by Salesforce.com Foundation.
    Volunteer here (software engineers): http://www.omidyar.net/group/katrinarefugee/news/2/

    (3) Organizing a massively parallel volunteer data entry project to enter refugee data posted to online bulletin boards into a central database by hand.
    Volunteer here (regular people): http://www.omidyar.net/group/katrinarefugee/news/0/

    (4) Market the Katrina PeopleFinder Project and recruit volunteers.
    Volunteer here (marketing folks): http://www.omidyar.net/group/katrinarefugee/news/3/

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