WP2 Thoughts

WordPress 2.0 “Duke” is available! Like 1.5 when it first came out I expect it will take a few months before the full implications of this release are realized. There are some surface changes (see 5 little things I like about WP 2.0) that still need some polish in places, but I think the underlying architectual changes are really rock solid. Interface changes are easy to iterate on in future versions. WordPress.org also has a rocking new design from Matt Thomas, and there will be some more action there in the coming months.

14 thoughts on “WP2 Thoughts

  1. Again Matt, another great release.

    I actually just got back from spending 8 hours in the San Fran airport, I would have stopped by, but it was a short time and I’m sure you were out partying as it was new years 😉

  2. I find WP2 perfect, I’ve had a break from blogging in general for just about six months now, and coming back to a brand new version of WP2 is a great asset, haven’t had any problems with it so far, even though quite a few things has changed

  3. I’ve upgraded and have been trying it out the past couple days. I love the integrated image upload feature. Very easy and intuitive. I found the rich editor frustratingly sluggish, however, and so I toggled it off by default. I was using Firefox 1.5 for Mac. Also, the Google Toolbar spellchecker doesn’t work with the rich editor. I lost my entire post in which I evaluated WP 2.0 because the spellchecker script stopped responding. Without the rich editor enabled, WP 2.0 is very zippy…but then, the rich editor is probably the biggest enhancement of the WP interface, so hopefully future versions (or future versions of Firefox) will work better.

  4. Great job on the new version! I just upgraded my photoblog to WP 2.0 with hardly a glitch. I am not using the rich text editor though: the Photopress plug-in I am using with my theme doesn’t support it for now.