Home Sweet Home

I’m back in San Francisco. This normally wouldn’t be a big deal, except I left at the beginning of December. It has been an exciting month, and I had the pleasure of meeting WordPress users from all over the world in person. I also learned a ton about efficient traveling and getting work done on the road. All great fun, but I am so happy to be back in my own place.

11 thoughts on “Home Sweet Home

  1. I also learned a ton about efficient traveling and getting work done on the road.

    Share your secrets man! In 6 months my job will have me doing a lot of traveling and I’d love to digest what you’ve already learned.

  2. Matt, if you ever come to Asia, you need to stop by Sri Lanka. The FOSS community here is pretty large (when looking at total computer users) and we take good care of FOSS developers / activists. šŸ˜‰

  3. Awesome. I for one would greatly appreciate it. I’ve been digging around the net lately just trying to soak up what I can as far as tips go.