I’ve recently been exploring collaborative MIDI via the web for the queensland conservitorium of music and ended up walking away from the idea. It is very much possible, but the only tools that seem up to the task are MM Director and the SequenceXtra plugin. After two weeks of smacking my head against the wall (aka coding Lingo) I decided to put the whole idea to rest due to the fact Director and Lingo are lumbering beasts and should be left to die.
So in theory (and if you were keen on rigging a mic+midi converter to your sax) you could have a true Web2.0 band where everyone is in different places and collaborating on a track via a web-based sequencing app.
Jamming would be somewhat difficult though!
You want somthing original, a play on words or a ply on a real name. har.moni.us and Rockr are good. What about:
Dog Tags
Tag Cloud 9 as in “he’s on cloud 9” you would need 9 band players.
Permanent Beta
The Diagonal Stripes
Matt Mullenweg and the Web 2.0 Experience
White Screen of Death
Music on Rails
“Quirks Mode”
AJAX for “AJAX Just Ain’t XML”…? Nah, that’s lame. How about “Effect.new()”? Or “the New Effects”.
Wow, I guess I’m really bad at this.
Umm… awesome? :-S
I’ve recently been exploring collaborative MIDI via the web for the queensland conservitorium of music and ended up walking away from the idea. It is very much possible, but the only tools that seem up to the task are MM Director and the SequenceXtra plugin. After two weeks of smacking my head against the wall (aka coding Lingo) I decided to put the whole idea to rest due to the fact Director and Lingo are lumbering beasts and should be left to die.
So in theory (and if you were keen on rigging a mic+midi converter to your sax) you could have a true Web2.0 band where everyone is in different places and collaborating on a track via a web-based sequencing app.
Jamming would be somewhat difficult though!
can i play drums?
It’s harder than it sounds.
The Web Service Society
The Unobtrusives
Bubble 2.0
Network Effects
The Commons
The Architecture of Participation. Hat tip: Tim O’Reilly. Bonus acronym: TAP
Or if a straight “Jazz 2.0” ain’t too pretentious …
Rockr FTW. That was awesome.
Round Corners
The Many People
Be No Evil
You can use them for song titles as well.
The Mesh
The tags
Jastab (Just another standards band)
The Ajazzx
There is no Web 1.0 or 2.0! There are only the specifications from the W3C.
How about The Fugue!?
Return of The Valley
Digg It
Good news is Murdoch will buy you for $500 mil, beats the contract the clash got from CBS back in the day. But you still won’t own the masters
The Agile Methods
Silent Fail (like Javascript libraries failing silently)
How about just “The Hypesters”?
You want somthing original, a play on words or a ply on a real name. har.moni.us and Rockr are good. What about:
Dog Tags
Tag Cloud 9 as in “he’s on cloud 9” you would need 9 band players.
Permanent Beta
The Diagonal Stripes
Matt Mullenweg and the Web 2.0 Experience
White Screen of Death
Music on Rails
Doh! Messed that one up.
“They Might Be Standards”
This has been done already, and the band was named The Hype.
Good luck becoming more nerdy than they might be giants.
Hey Matt…What’s it take to join?
I have *ahem* talent!
For names?
Comment This out….
The logo would be a given…
Sliding Doors
Box Model
How about
Request For Comments
How about “The Buzzwords”…
Many themes touched on above, but here are the names that jumped to mind:
The Rounded Corners and Subtle Gradients
Diggy McDigg and the YouTubes
Gathered Around The Campfire At The Basecamp (With My Backpack On)
Gathered Around The Campfire At The Basecamp (With My Backpack On) – This would be a great song title though. xD
the transitionals?