This is silly, but since the Canadians are organizing a campaign, I feel obligated to humbly request Photo Matt readers cast a vote in this poll. (For me, hopefully!) It has been noted that the picture makes me look like I’m 10 years old, when in reality I really look more like 15. You can browse Flickr latest, most interesting, or clusters for further proof. (Link updated for new round.)
Matt has a posse.
I voted Matt because Flock is still BETA.
I’m having a hard time trying to figure out if it is good to get the most votes, or if it is better to get fewer votes. I mean, 2.Ooh is so nonwow. But you got my vote anyway. The manipulated photo of the other guy was also completely nonwow. Good luck…
Well, you don’t look 22. I’m sorry, but I’d say 16ish…
15, 16… at least old enough to drive.
It’s really just a Canuck-vs.-Yank thing by proxy. No hard feelings.
And of course, you’re pulling ahead in votes now anyway. Go Will!
Blast, I knew if you linked on I was going down. I just can’t compete with that traffic.
Matt, may you win every nonsensical contest you are entered for!
I voted for you the other day (ran across the link in IRC). I like flock, but it doesn’t impress me as much as WordPress does… software wise. And yes you’re young… but not that young. I assumed early 20’s.
My vote’s in. Sadly, it didn’t get Will significantly closer to winning, but I did what I could.
Curses! Those crafty Americans have foiled us again, with their wily use of the Intarwebs! Canadian Bacon!
The redhead definately gets my vote.
Besides, I had lunch with him once and I actually use the thing he’s a developer for.
Truly silly. I only recognized one of the names.
Wait, wait…can you *humbly* request a vote?
I’m actually 1/8th Canadian!
I voted for you Matt!
Matt! Matt forever!!!! voted
You’ve got my vote Matt!
Matt, I voted for you even though I don’t think your as good looking as the other guy. Its the winning that counts, right?
do i have to vote for the “Former CNet employee”?
That’s an old picture… Matt looks considerably older (18 or 19, maybe?) with his new haircut, and his lack of shaving.
I can relate. I also have a baby face, and share Matt’s waiter-esque “I’m not a threat, no really, I’m a nice guy” voice.
i dunnoooo, matt. this will fella looks a bit like clive owen and you know how i feel about clive owen…
Thanks guys for all the support!
Obviously something’s wrong; you’re losing by a landslide.
Well, I voted for you, but it seems like it didn’t do any good! How is he winning by so much??
Ouch Matt, it doesn’t look good:
The Results
I had to vote for you both – sorry if that screws the results (it shouldn’t, though).
My man Will because I’ve been reading his stuff for a couple years now and use Flock alongside Opera as my main browsers and he’s a fellow Canadian, and Matt because of the WordPress voodoo that runs the 25(ish) blogs I maintain.
I just couldn’t choose
Forgive me.
It sure doesn’t, Trevor…
DB_DataObject Error: [db_error: message="DB Error: connect failed" code=-24 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=" [nativecode=Host 'gm43' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'] ** mysql://gawker_poll:3asyMe@gm43/polls"]
Don’t know if you refer to some results and the errors are temporary…
i think it should become a mud wrestling contest
I’m sorry Matt, but I voted for Will. Even though I use WordPress, think it’s great and might even help out some day, and I’ve never used Flock, I’m superficial.
Other than that, I agree with Michelle.