The rewrite of Gravatar from Ruby to PHP is done. The backend should be identical, the serving of Gravatars should be even faster, and as a bonus we now support SSL Gravatars.
The rewrite of Gravatar from Ruby to PHP is done. The backend should be identical, the serving of Gravatars should be even faster, and as a bonus we now support SSL Gravatars.
Yeah! 2.5, gravatar… something else out now?
Aww, I was hoping for a new avatar picture from you.
Excellent!!, the next week hope everything keep going like this week…
Will there be a new plugin to integrate these changes, or the old ones’ enough?
What does mean SSL Gravatars?
I mean… for what would be it used?
That was great!!!
That’s a good news !
Php Rocks ^^ !
SSL sound yummy. I like security
I’ll give ‘er a go. Thans Matt. BTW – always enjoy the photos.
I share m@’s sentiments.
There’s only one downside: no more transparency.
I took for granted that you got a new picture too -_-
I also thought that you had a new avator
Cool, seeing what shows up when I post this then
Losing transparency support is the biggest setback. Please bring it back.
uhh, nice with support of ssl avatars
I dont have problems with the speed of getting avatars, but improvement is always welcome =)
Seems the secondary address of my Gravatar account got deleted during the migration. Had to reregister it again. Anyone else has the same problem?
Georg: and Gravatar accounts got merged / tied together / etc.
The problem for me is I used separate e-mails per and so now it’s a mess. Ugh.
So, You worked out how to get entire-domain gravatars working yet?
(eg, look at my email, Thats why i’d like a per-domain gravatar:
Checking for a file in the root of the domain would be enough to proove i’m authorised for the domain, and the Gravatar stuff in wordpress would need to be changed slightly to send the domain as well (as a hash of course again
Err, That was contact+[sitename] there… Seems it stripped out the angle brackets(and any content inside) ‘doh!
Georg, I did had the same problem with my secondary adress deleted. And nothing seems to work anymore on my blog’s comment with gravatar now.
@Juanpa! – although no sensitive information is sent with a gravatar request, SSL is useful if you’re using gravatars on a page that also uses SSL. This prevents the user getting a warning that not every item on the page is encrypted and that the page may not be safe.
Also I guess there may be cases where you may wish to guard which gravatars are being requested (e.g. in a private forum offering support for addiction sufferers etc).
Sounds cool
That’s great news, I only just discovered gravatar

I’m implementing it into my blog now ..
I haven’t been able to get gravatars to work. Maybe it is time to try again!
I haven’t been able to get it to work either! It works for some people on my blog, just not for me.
Didn’t know that Gravatar ran on Ruby previously.
Anyway, great news.
just figured out this whole gravatar stuff, nice one!
Thanks Drew!