9 thoughts on “On Sphere

  1. That’s an interesting concept they have. Making grabbing related content easy…I must check it out. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Matt, this has nothing to do with your post. But I was reading, and my six-year-old son came in and saw the photos at the top of the page. He pointed to the one of you in the cowboy hat, and said, “That’s me! Why is there a picture of me on here?”


    He’s a very handsome guy, by the way.



  3. Er…AOL? That AOL?

    Ok I re-read the post. Here’s the part that momentarily took me aback:
    “Sphere is a great company and the folks who made this happen at AOL will look like rockstars as the team continues to execute on their vision of tying the web together through lateral navigation.”
    But..now I get it–the antecedent of “team” is “Sphere,” not “AOL.”
    That makes sense, Sphere is a very solid widget maker, I just hope AOL isn’t really as badly screwed as this Fast Company article would have you believe.

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