WP Meetup in Philadelphia

I’m being honored by the Temple Fox School IT Awards so I’ll be in Philadelphia next week. I extended my trip so we can do a WordPress meetup on Thursday night, April 10. The current plan, thanks to Alex Hillman, is meeting at National Mechanics at 6PM.

37 thoughts on “WP Meetup in Philadelphia

  1. Cool! Wish I could be there to say Hi and thanks for creating such a great piece of software, but unfortunately, by the time I get home from work, pick up the baby, eat, etc.. well it’ll be Friday morning before I know it.

    Congrats on the honor.

  2. Tip: If you go looking for a cheesesteak while in Philly, don’t bother going to Pat’s or Geno’s. Unless you just want to go there because they are the famous ones. Believe me, they’re living off of their reputation when it comes to cheesesteaks. But, at Geno’s, you can grab one of his T-shirts with the phrase, ‘This is America, when ordering please speak English,’ which got him into trouble with the City up until a few days ago. He won the City’s case against him for discrimination because of the silly sign.

    For a remarkable cheesesteak, Tony Luke’s and John’s Roast Pork are two of the best in town. My favorites there, the Steak Italian, and the Pork Italian. They are steak, or pork, with sharp provolone cheese and spinach, Italian style.

  3. Hey Matt,

    Do you know if a minor could get in to National Mechanics? I’m 20 and considering making the hour drive down from Allentown if it looks like they’ll be a significant turn out.

  4. Is there a listing on Upcoming? I’d definitely be down for such an event, but just want to make sure you know I’m coming… *grin*

    We definitely need to do a WordCamp Philly — there are tons of bloggers from here.

  5. Yep, Philadelphians take their cheesesteaks seriously. But you have to come to western Pennsylvania if you want a hoagie, which is the real deal.

  6. Ross – good call on the John’s Roast Pork. My favorite cheesesteak hands down – can’t go wrong with Sarcone’s bread.

    Ronald – National Mechanics cards at the door after a certain hour but I think it’s later on in the evening. If you’re on Twitter you can send a DM to @natmechanics asking them.

    Really excited for this event and to meet you Matt – Indy Hall is good people and Philly is the place to be!

  7. ’bout time you were stopping by, Matt.

    Ronald Heft: National Mechanics is a restaurant/bar, and we’re friendly with the owners. You shouldn’t have a problem.

  8. @Ben, @Owen, thanks for letting me know their policy. I should be there provided my Statistics test does not fall on the same night. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

  9. Ah every Philadelphian knows the best cheesesteaks are the guys in the roach coaches, can’t beat the price, size of, and flava of the “saltpeppaketchup” Althought a Jim’s/Lorenzo challenge is by far and away the best food experience you will ever have.

    Nat Mech..I love you guys but get the Golden Monkey back on tap..danggit

  10. Who knows? I might even pop up from Bmore. I’m a National Mechanics fan and would like to see the Philly folks again (and you, Matt, but I saw you last weekend in Dallas)

  11. Glad to hear about the honors, Matt. Also glad to hear you’ll be in town, though I can’t make it myself. I’m sure it’ll be an event.

  12. Congratulations matt! I hope you have fun in Philly. It is a fun town. Try to stay through the weekend. Nat Mech is a great place too. There is plenty to do right around. And before you leave, try to get a philly cheese steak from Pats or Ginos.

  13. I’m in Philadelphia! But… I am not of age and would probably feel out of place anyway. I hope you all enjoy yourself. Bask in the brotherly love!

  14. Hey Matt,
    I met you at the IT Awards tonight. The Awards ceremony was a blast. Congratulations once again on your award. Well deserved. I took a bunch of pictures from the awards and the after party for our AMIS website. If you want any, just let me know. I’ll send them to you. Thank you for coming out with all of us afterwards.

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