switches from Typepad to WordPress and adds two main WP-powered sections to their site. Check out their new site, great design too. switches from Typepad to WordPress and adds two main WP-powered sections to their site. Check out their new site, great design too.
Another milestone for wordpress?
They’ve got a nice setup, can’t even tell that sucker is WP.
Another convert. YES!
Great news for the WordPress Community as these very popular sites one by one switch to WordPress.
Small world as just yesterday I was reading about the new launch on Brian’s blog.
Did you notice the new search apps?
Hey, that’s an awfully nice Drug Directory, Symptom Checker, Drug Interaction Checker, and Pill Finder they’ve got there.
Always good to see another WordPress conversion. I’d be curious to see how many sites go the opposite way to the dark side.
I have switched all my sites to WP and I haven’t looked back. You can see on of them here at
I am considering purchasing a Revolution theme . Does anyone have experience using them?
great moved for them
but I didn’t find WordPress or WP links on there
only from source..
I am not sure whether this one will be of any importance or not. One of the biggest stars of film Industry in India is also using WordPress as his blog engine.
The name is Amitabh Bachchan.. (
That is great and their site looks real sweet. Glad to see another convert. I try to tell people who aren’t already on WP that they need to join.
Congrats… I try to get all my clients to get a WordPress blog going.
I am glad to hear more and more big site convert to WordPress platform. WordPress ROCK!!!