WordCamp Registration Open

If you check out the WordCamp San Francisco site you’ll see that registration is open and we’ve already announced some great speakers: Matt Cutts, Tim Ferriss, Philip Greenspun, Doug Hanna, Tara Hunt, yours truly, Andy Peatling, and Steve Souders. (More coming.) It’s going to be a killer event. Mark your calendars: May 30.

6 thoughts on “WordCamp Registration Open

  1. May 30th? Oh man, I’m gonna be in the East coast by then..too bad I really wanna attend WordCamp SF. Anyways, success to this event and hope you guys have fun 🙂

  2. so…I’ll start making the arrangements to be there. Thanks for the heads up.
    What’s with the picture, BTW? You look like you’re trying not to sneeze…