After the Deadline, the intelligent spell- and grammar-checking service Automattic acquired a few months ago, is releasing its core technology under the GPL. There’s also a new jQuery API that makes it easy to integrate with any textarea
. Ostatic writes about it here.
I know I’m a bit biased as I know Raphael, but I still must say AtD is the best spellchecker I have ever come across, online or offline.
Very nice to see ATD going open-source I’ve only used it for a day now but its very useful.
Any chance we’ll be able to use it without needing an API key yet? Or how about using a API key?
I just noticed the license is GPL, not LGPL.
@Matt please consider making it LGPL. Plenty of projects could benefit from the code but cannot link to it (or derivatives of the code) unless they are also GPL.
The GPL was never intended to cover libraries.
Hi Steve,
Never fear! The AtD server code is GPL. This is a self-contained component that doesn’t plug directly into an application. Applications talk to it.
The front-end client plugins for AtD (the TinyMCE plugin, the jQuery integration, etc.) are LGPL meaning you can link them into non-GPL projects.
— Raphael
Raphael, that’s an absolutely perfect licensing arrangement in my book. Thanks so much for cutting it exactly where it needed to be cut.
Whoo, congrats!
Great thing to hear and see as you certainly want to make positive effect on how people work and communicate. Thanks for the all efforts you are using together to make web better place to make things happen. 🙂
What does it not use the standard WordPress key like Askimet and WordPress stats?
Haven’t decided how they keys should work yet.
I just wanted to give you a shoutout Matt. I cant believe you are the inventor of WordPress. Basically you are my role model, and you are amazing!!
Thank you.