Upcoming WordCamps

I really enjoyed attending WordCamps in Houston, Savannah, and Salt Lake City the past few weeks. You can always find upcoming WordCamps here, and I’m currently planning on attending Jerusalem (this Sunday), Portland (September 18-19), and Philippines (October 2). I’m looking forward to meeting more of the WordPress community and also answering your questions in the Town Hall sessions.

21 thoughts on “Upcoming WordCamps

  1. I will meet you somewhere Matt, guess that means I need to make time for a WordCamp, if only I could fly half-way round the world all the time that’d be great! — Shame that this 19 year old just can’t! 🙁 One day Matt, one day!

  2. Hi Matt:
    Thanks for coming to WordCamp Savannah. Your presentation and humility made it a special event. Both my son and I enjoyed meeting you and speaking with you there.
    Remember to use that Political Science training in the future!
    Gary Bacon

  3. The way to Matt’s heart seems to be through food. I’m loving all the offers.

    It was great to hang out with you at WordCamp Utah. You always have some interesting insight that comes from a much more broad perspective.

  4. That’s totally cool to include Philippines on your list. It’s great to know that there’s an event like this. An event wherein WordPress users and developers get to interact, share ideas and get to know each other… That shouldn’t be missed out!