Philip Leigh writes about The Implications Of Blogging for MediaPost. “[M]uch like the printing press transformed publishing, the true cultural significance of blogging — which is only incipient at present — will be a consequence of its production process.”
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Blog spammers have sunk to new lows. Nivi, a blog I'm subscribed to, was showing dozens and dozens of entries being updated even though there was no discernible difference. However as I started looking closer, I noticed if you view the source, for example on this post, there is are…
Thanks for the confidence you place in WordPress, they are doing an excellent job allowing many like myself the opportunity to express our simple thoughts.
Again thanks
No longer are writers and photographers beholden to the patronage of the printing press publisher. With blogging we can shape our own destiny by publishing our own material. No longer is our future in the hands of others. Thanks to the internet we are now our own masters. Hail! Hail! Hail the internet!
Yet again, another article to sustain my interest to contribute in open source! thanks
I gots to learn more about this. Being old should not stop me. I don’t have the language or the visual vocabulary, yet, but I be trying. I don’t really know what you are talking about, but I will try. Mimesis to all and to all a good mimesis.
If I can write a few words now and then about my art then you can also write something of interest to one and all. Age is not a barrier in blog land! We will all be old duffers sooner or later. Age is a state of mind!