18 thoughts on “WP Blocked in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

  1. Strongly “Dislike”

    Matt, Are there data available re which countries block WordPress? I think China blocks WP. These countries should be featured in something like a “WordPress unFreedom Index”. 🙁

  2. I’m from Kyrgyzstan. WordPress is working and has been working just fine here. Not sure what’s going in Kazakhstan.

      1. Well, article shouldn’t have mentioned Kyrgyzstan at all, since nobody is experiencing this issue here.

  3. Technological stupidity in blocking a whole domain for a few blogs.

    Wouldn’t it have been better that the Govt organization giving WP a take down notice for those blogs – which would have been more legal and logical?

  4. Matt, am I correct in thinking that upgrading to your own domain name would bypass these sorts of problems?

    If so, perhaps that would be a good way to market the domain name upgrade on WordPress.com? Just a thought.

    1. I’m not Matt but! 🙂

      Upgrading to your own domain name cannot solve the problem. Because your core files and database will be on wordpress.com servers and this means; your site will be blocked. Only the solution for those kind of problems: get your own domain name and hosting service from an average company and install your wordpress down there!

  5. Hi, Matt!
    WP is blocked by the Court of «Saryarka» area, Astana city, Kazakhstan. The reason was two WP blogs (www.djamat.wordpress.com and http://www.caucase.wordpress.com), which were accepted as “against the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. This is an official answer of Minster of Communication & Information, Republic of Kazakhstan.

    So kazakh bloggers are moving to another platforms.

  6. Minister of Communication and Information told me that the domain is blocked because of blogging djamat.wordpress.com and caucase.wordpress.com

    500 blogs in the Kazakh were not available because of them

  7. I am from Kazakhstan! I started using wordpress for six months. I don’t know why government block the wp. One of our bloggers asked our ministr of communycation and information about this problem. He answered like this:
    “Жумагалиев А.К.
    Сәлеметсіз бе!
    2011 жылдың 25 мамырында Астана қаласының Сарыарқа аудандық сотының шешімімен қазақстандық провайдерлердің Қазақстан Республикасының Заңнамалық актілеріне қайшы келетін http://www.djamat.wordpress.com және http://www.caucase.wordpress.com интернет-ресурстарында ақпарат таратуына тыйым салынған болатын.
    Осыған орай, wordpress.com блог-платформасына кіру мүмкіндігі жабылды. Себебі, аталған интернет-ресурстағы блогтардың барлығының IP-адрестері өзара ұқсас болып шықты.”
    He says because of two blog which are not supported law of our country they block whole wordpress. First blog, http://www.djamat.wordpress.com doesn’t exist. Second one http://www.caucase.wordpress.com is in russian.
    http://neweurasia.net/kazakhstan/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/WP.jpg This is post about this and http://blogs.egov.kz/blogs/Zhumagaliev_a/questions/87065 this is answer of ministr. I hope you are able to choose this problem.

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