Talking Points Memo interviewed New York Times media columnist David Carr and I loved this quote:

You don’t have to be able to code yourself, but you have to know what coding is. You should be able to work in Final Cut Pro. WordPress should be second-nature. I think, in generational terms, being able to produce and consume content at the same time.

Check out the rest of the interview on the state of media and journalism.

4 thoughts on “David Carr Advice

  1. Haha I too loved this quote. I’ve read that whole. He told — The advice I always gave young reporters is congruence. Don’t be super friendly on the telephone then hang up and just nuke somebody. If it’s a hard story, you should communicate that. Congruence between the way you report and the way you write is important. By the way, anybody came to know that Facebook Camera was launched? –

  2. Good advice. He lives a fast paced life with a fast paced state of mind.( great character for a book) I need to pick up my pace on WordPress and make it second nature. It’s knowing where i’m going with it – just finding my feet

  3. I like this David Carr quote better: “Writing is something that happens alone in a room. Regardless of the cacophony around you, and the mayhem, and the data stream, you have to remember to engage the piece of work you’re on fully, and remember that language is the biggest tool at your disposal.”