It’s been an exciting week for WordPress so far — version 3.4 was released and already has over 730,000 downloads, and also Jetpack Comments (which I’ve been testing here) are now available publicly. Jetpack comments lets your users comment with their WordPress, Twitter, or Facebook identities, as well as as a guest like before. This has been a top-requested feature, and it works very smoothly. Check them both out!
Looks like its working very well. I like it.
Nice! Does it accommodate the new cookie-laws in the UK and the Netherlands? We are not allowed to place third-party cookies without visitor consent… So does it enable FB and twitter to track the visitors of my site?
I don’t know that much about the cookie laws in the EU, they seem out of touch with reality.
Who’s reality?
Your rarefied world, or me down here at the coal face?
Not as much as Americans as demonstrated in teaching Darwin to kids, accepting gay families, or…
It was all after reading this post, I was motivated to update my WordPress to the latest version. Because this article gives me a clear cut idea about the new features in WordPress 3.4 Green. However, congrats to the whole team on WordPress Green update.
Whoa. Jetpack Comments. Thank goodness.
Ok, let’s check it here out!
Wonderful news…
Thank you for this. This is exactly what I was just talking about and having a dilemma over this very week!
Well… it’s nice and simple. But one thing only: where’s the ‘uninstall’ for this? Do we need to uninstall Jetpack all together?…
Nope, just deactivate the module, by clicking the “more” button on the Jetpack page.
The Jetpack blog post didn’t make it 100% clear… is this primarily about letting commenters authenticate with federated identities? It’s not a full-on comment outsourcing solution a la IntenseDebate, right? Still uses the local WordPress comments table?
It’s an outsourced comment form, but all comments go fully back to your local WP database.
Loving Jetpack Comments. Now it just needs to be extensible so developers and site owners can provide options for logging in using other services. Google, Diaspora, OpenID, StatusNet, to name a few.
Hello There,
I just want to let you know that I am so grateful and thankful for your amazing creation. Without “WordPress” I would have not been able to start blogging. It made it so easy step for me.
Thank you again
What’s the hook comments uses? 24 hours later and it still hasn’t show up yet.
Not only that, but when I post here, it can auth/sign in to them but doesn’t find/download any of the details from my WordPress, Twitter or Facebook accounts.
And I just noticed it doesn’t remember my details until I enter the email address, although I have just posted a comment, and then it makes up its own mind to insert my address, instead of my website.
I guess I better take a quick trip to the support forum and see if I can get some help over there.
I really do hope most of these things are bugs and not had-coded by intention.
Yesterday, for a whole day, something strange was going on with the Draft page – ‘Save Draft’ had vanished, so had ‘Preview Changes’. When I wanted to save an edited draft I used my (Mac) command/save but when I tried to leave the page I was told all edits would be lost. Grrr! Then, last night, Save Draft and Preview Changes magically reappeared. What were you doing?
Probably wasn’t related.
Nice week for Automattic.
I had recently activated Facebook’s new plugin the day before, and quickly de-activated it to replace it with Jetpack’s comments. Then I reverted back to Facebook’s. I rarely make hastened changes on my blog, but had to because Jetpack’s comments allow guest commenting.
Tim Moore, who announced Jetpack’s comments claimed that he was looking into it. Matt, it would be wonderful if Automattic could look into disabling guest commenting on WordPress, meanwhile allow comments authenticated by login services.
Can Google / G+ be added in that list?
Matt Any support for Thesis theme for Social login in Jetpack?
There’s no reason it shouldn’t work on Thesis, contact support and we’ll try to help you out.
Hi Matt,
I also use Thesis and cannot get Jetpack comments to work. As I’ve poked around the theme files it seems that Thesis does not use in the comments.php file. If I add “add_action(‘thesis_hook_comment_field’, ‘comment_form’);” to the custom_functions.php file Jetpack does show up though I’ve not tested it, but the Thesis comment field is not removed giving two comment fields.
Any ideas?
When replying to someone else’s comment the Jetpack email quotes the actual blog post instead of the comment being replied to. (I hope that makes sense)
Have I missed a setting somewhere?
I’m really excited about the ability to use social networking identities for commenting. My only concern is, if I activate Comments in Jetpack, what happens to my previous comments?
Also, your WordPress theme RULES.
They’re all still there, Jetpack complements your existing comments, doesn’t replace it.
Nice comment form!
It’s slow on my website :(!
Does anybody else don’t see social icons in this form? Is it some kind of breakdown? Btw what kind of anti spam you are using with this form? I tried antispam bee but they don’t work together
I use it with Akismet.
For those of you who want to add the Jetpack comments to Thesis, this blog post here was very helpful:
Hi Matt,
I would like to add custom CSS to Jetpack Comments (to change the comment textbox background color for examaple). I read it is possible now to change its properties through the WP custom css box. The problem is it simply doesn`t work for me.
If I use Firebug all works fine. Then I add the modifications to the WP Dashboard or even to the theme`s style.css file… and…nothing happens.
Any ideas about what can fix my problem?
Thanks in advance.
Not possible yet because it’s in an iFrame.
Can I customise the Jetpack Comments form? I want to use a 3rd party rating widget in the commentform. Is there a theme file I can edit?
There are other Social connect/login plugins for WP, but it looks like Jetpack is the only one usable just for comment verification without registering new user to the blog.
And I have to agree, there should be some more services beside WP, Twitter and FB. At least Google and OpenID.
You can customize the comments, but not the comment form.
Interesting. Wish it were a bit more clear that it’s an outsourced solution. Trying to work through the consequences of implementing it on a rather large site.
A follow-up too: does it play nicely with a CDN? I’m specifically thinking about the page reload after the comment is submitted. Wondering if the heavy caching would tangle thing up or if the new comment is placed via cookies and JS.
The comment is submitted through Jetpack, everything after that is stock WP.
I don’t seem able to get mine to work, I have the bouquet theme. It does have the comment_form() look in the comments.php. Can someone help me please?
Sure, email