Business Insider has a fun article on Automattic’s Awesome Remote Work Culture. Includes some quotes from me about how we work, including “Rather than being anti-office, we’re more location agnostic” and the top five meetup locations so far (Lisbon, Portugal; Kauai; San Francisco; Amsterdam; Tybee Island, Georgia).

6 thoughts on “Automattic’s Remote Work Culture

  1. Also, today is my 16th wedding anniversary. So my newlywed marriage to WordPress (6 years) and this post kinda hit a sweet spot. I love everything your incredibly insane head comes up with Mullenweg. Keep it up. You are an inspiration.

  2. LIsbon is the city that rocks. Imagining listening to all day + night at ‘Docas’ and #WP stuff sounds like real manna to me. Would be great. C ya there.

  3. 3. All employees get $2,000 when newly hired to improve their home offices. They can get a desk, chair, whatever they want.

    That’s awesome, had no idea that Automattic did that for its employees.