WordPress 4.0, code-named Benny, is now available. The response so far has been great, over 200k downloads in just a few hours. Today we celebrate, watch the counter, and tomorrow go back to work on 4.1. For those following along at home, the 3.x series of WordPress was downloaded 300 million times.
“After the game is before the game.”
Sepp Herberger, German football player and manager
Congratulations WordPress 4.0!
Looking forward to 4.2
Will wait for a day or so…..
Does the counter also include the number of WordPress 3.* installs that were auto/semi-auto upgraded from the Admin itself? If it doesn’t then the count would probably be twice that high.
Thanks for all your hard work over the years. My personal blog is over 8 years old now on a (mostly) original install and still running fine despite my constant messing around with it. Then again, I run a Linux based OS (Linux Mint) so that kind of explains everything right there. The messing about I mean.
Congratulations. I’m very happy with WordPress. It is a super platform on the web.
Thanks for this great work.