7 thoughts on “Kat Hagan Works Differently

  1. Work flexibility is something work cultures must accept and adopt to remain competitive. The “myth of productivity” by forcing long hours or fixed 9-5 schedule is no longer viable as it and limits individual achievement and organizational performance.

  2. I’m really keen on becoming a Theme Wrangler at Automattic one day. I defintely think that Automattic is a completely different company to what we expect from the average business these days. It’s interesting to find out about why people like it at Automattic as well. One thing that really pulls me in and gets my attention is when the staff (I’ve read a few posts around the ‘net) say they’re in control.

    Forget about the pay, the perks and time to do ‘fun’ things, it gives me lots of hope and makes me happy to see people say that they enjoy their work because it has meaning. Whilst I’m not sure if I’m ready to be an Automattician; whether I’m good enough – I really hope one day I can be.

    I’d like to see more of these videos, it’s good to see a very transparent company giving the employees a voice (or a blog) to express what it’s like being part of the community. I’d definitely like to see a program to help people trying to gain entry into Automattic through an internship or night course. There’s a lot of talent out there for sure. Thanks for sharing Matt and to Kat too.

    1. I know what you mean. Automattic work culture is my idea of work utopia. I love my current specialty though so I am not sure I would even try and make the big leap (retrain and start from the beginning) I can’t complain right now though because my current work place is reasonably flexible and I work with a pretty good group of professionals. I have been encouraging a number of my IT friends to try it out because I cannot think of a better work environment for creative, intelligent, and self-motivated individuals. I wish you well!

  3. It baffles me, that you promote working at Automattic on a lot of channels – and in fact it seems to be great to be working with you – but on the other hand, I did not receive a single reply to my application, which was almost three months ago now 🙁 (despite the autoresponder says that one definetly will get one)

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