Houston Wireless Meeting Tonight

Several people have expressed interest in attending this meeting, so here’s the message from Jeremy (whose URL I love). You can sign up for the HWUG list here.

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A reminder to all, the monthly HoustonWireless meeting is tonight at 7:30pm at Kaveh Kanes. This will be a mixed-bag technology roundup and Q&A. Several of us will present some material about different aspects of wireless. This is a good chance to get an overview of what’s out there, maybe a bit of what’s coming, and maybe get some questions answered.

The lineup so far as I know includes Erewhon talking about antennas and probably other stuff, myself talking about what all the 802.11 protocol alphabet soup means (e.g. a,b,g,i,…) and a bit about security, Matt (one of them :)) will talk about warchalking and wardriving, I think Glass is going to talk about meshes, and who knows what else.

Also, I’d encourage people to bring gear for “show and tell”, we’ll do a “gear roundup,” especially APs (e.g. if you’ve got a WAP-11 you can bring, or an RG1000, or a home-grown mutant, or …). I’ll demonstrate HostAP on my laptop, too, given sufficient time.


One thought on “Houston Wireless Meeting Tonight

  1. Augh! You know, I think you need to personally remind me every time there is a meeting, ok? (Alright – I bet there is an announcement list out there somewhere that I could sign up for…)

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