The guy who made that giant chart everyone has seen ended up choosing WordPress for his own use. A very interesting read because he obviously is very familar with dozens of systems and goes into detail on why he made the choice he did.
Category Archives: Asides
Victor Lombardi
Victor Lombardi now uses WordPress. Look at how the information architects go crazy with sub-categories. I love it!
WordPress: The Road Ahead.
Moose Courtship
Moose courtship, why not?
Jason Santa Maria
Jason Santa Maria sheares his design methodology. I think these types of posts are fascinating. Whenever I get a chance to talk to a designer I really admire this is one thing I always ask, as Jeffrey and Doug will attest from SxSW 2003.
Web Style Guide
Ethan redesigns and discovers the good Word.
MT Licensing
Six Apart announces more changes to Movable Type license. That sounds like a good model for WordPress.
Gregory Chow
Princeton professor and noted expert on Chinese economics left two drive-by comments on my blog the other day. I’m guessing he was searching for his name on Google and came across the entry. In any case, I’m flattered. If anyone needs a blog it’s that guy.
Unraveled CSS
Freshly stolen CSS? Is the Creative Commons enforcable?
I was thinking about redesigning, but now it’s trendy. Love the new logo. I also love live redesigns, it really gives you a peek into the designers mind. I learned so much by watching Zeldman iterate his design a year or so ago. When I redesigned it was a live redesign, and it was pretty ugly at some points but I’m happy with how it turned out. Yellow is the new black.
Reply Highlighting
If I ever highlight comments the colors would differentiate just me and everyone else, because that’s the only hierarchy on this site. I’m no longer being auto-highlighted over at Dave’s, which is too bad because I thought my joke was funny, but I don’t think manual highlighting is going to scale. Basing it on URI is dangerous at best, and the PHP code is… well I need to write more PHP articles for Digital Web.
Teach Yourself Movable Type
Molly’s new books is out. Why no Amazon link? Here we go: Buy Teach Yourself Movable Type in 24 Hours. (I’ve always wondered, does anyone ever binge on those books and do everything in one day?)
Dave Shea redesigns, the new look is called “Proton.”
Dean offers hosting, and pledges 10% of the fee to anyone who uses WordPress on it. Available for a limited time only. Those specs sound killer. You can’t deny that man’s flair.
I Got It
Nikolai’s Photos
Nikolai Nolan has posted his pictures from SxSW 2004. What’s funny is I know it’s going to kill him that I’m linkblogging this. As usual it has a novel design and presentation. Nikolai is the most underappreciated CSS guru and designer on the web.
“It’s easier to upgrade from MT 2.6 to WordPress than it is from MT 2.6 to MT 3.0.” Usually I stay away from Slashdot comments, but these look pretty good. 😉
Slashdot Again
WordPress gets slashdotted again. We aren’t even mentioned directly in the article this time but the traffic rush is much more intense. Things were very slow for a few minutes.
Pocket PC Theme
Irony in your palm: WordPress PocketPC Theme. Anyone want to try this out and let me know how it looks?