New What’s Playing

This plugin looks like exactly what I’ve been searching for. Right now I use one called DoSomething to ping a URL that inserts the data into a database, presumably so I can do something with all that juicy data later. (Right now it has over 9000 rows.) However my current plugin has a lot of drawbacks, mostly that it won’t read any data from ID3v2 tags and doesn’t work with Winamp 3, neither of which are a problem with this newer plugin. So this is mostly so I can find it later, as while I’d like to install this, figure out the POST variables, update my ping script, and come up with some novel ways to parse all the data I have, there are a thousand things I need to do first. I can’t recall ever being this busy. Hat tip: Dougal.

One thought on “New What’s Playing

  1. I’m not bothering to store my track data (yet). And I just borrowed and modified some PHP code that the What’s Playing site pointed to.

    I’ve really got to dig the rest of my CD collection out of storage one day. Out of the ~1600 songs in my Winamp playlist, there’s an awful lot of cruft — albums I’m tired of listening to, albums with only a couple of decent songs, albums that are only in my collection because I won them off of the local radio station, etc.

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