Blogshares Etiquette

Is it just me or is there an entire social structure evolving around Blogshares? Links go back and forth, and every blog is given a quantative value. Gifts are given, but for what reason? Is anything truly altruistic? What’s polite? Are there vested financial interests involved? As if the social world of blogs wasn’t delicate enough.

Anyway, my dilemma is two friends I own stock in have gotten dangerously high price to earning ratios. I bought stock in them as sort of a token of my appreciation, a way of saying “Hey buddy.” Because when you buy stock in somebody, you are essentially making a value statement about that person or blog. If you think someone is smart/funny/sexy/interesting then logically that person’s audience and linkage will grow, it’s just a matter of being discovered.

Ideally I would have stock in every person on my blogroll, and I would buy it and hold it, and buy more whenever I had the means to. However, that’s a terrible way to make any money on Blogshares, so I don’t know. I’m going to have to decide whether I’m playing socially or if I’m in it for the money.

5 thoughts on “Blogshares Etiquette

  1. i’m in it for the money, man… that’s it. and my price is so low right now (it dropped more than half for some strange reason) my shares are good for the taking. but i’ve said it on my blog before, it doesn’t mean if i don’t buy shares in your blog i don’t like you or read you anymore… i just won’t make any money with you! there’s so many blogs i want at least a share in them, but damn, they’re expensive or they have zero shares available.

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