This is it. Last year my birthday was loud and surprising, this year it was chill. Both have their attraction.

Awww thanks. Mad props to Craig for the WordPress header (currently in rotation).
While I’m here I’d also like to wish a happy birthday to Dave, who had a birthday a few days ago and didn’t tell anyone.
All birthday posts: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41.
Yes, happy birthday!
Congratulations! The first year of a great package. I love it so far.
Feliz cumpleaños Matt!! Hope it’s a great one!
Happy Birthday!
Wait, I’m confused. It’s *your* burthday. Oh yeah. Happy birthday, Matt!
Happy Birthday Matt! It is hard to believe you are only 20
– rx
Happy Birthday from me, too.
Party on, dude.
Grattis på födelsedagen Matt!
Happy Birthday, Matt. We share the same birthday only I’m twice your age today!
Humpty Bufday old boy :o)
Have yourself a great, great year ahead Matt. Try to stave off cravings for Ramen this year y’hear?
Happy Birthday Matt. Go out and have a good time.
Happy Birthday, Matt!!! hope you’re living it up!!!
happy bday matt..
Happy Birthday Matt!! I am a Japanese using WordPress.
Happy Birthday Matt! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with shiny loot and gooey cake!
I’m a day late and a dollar short, but hey … happy day after your birthday.
All the best to you this year. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Matt!
Late Happy Birthday!
You’re blog here has been on my aggregator for a few months, I enjoy it much. I’ve briefly looked over some of your photo logs also… you strike me as a very balanced person: a smart geek, and a friendly social guy all at the same time. I turn 20 myself in a few months, and I haven’t published a piece of software as cool as WordPress, nor can I fill albums with photos of my friends and I doing things. I’m a little envious, actually
I hope this year is great for you!
– Chris Burkhardt
Wow, thank you everybody.
Happy belated birthday! I typed this in Dvorak, heh.
Happy (belated) Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay, Matt, i saw you ping… where is a new post? are you still celebrating your birthday?
You’re 20? I can’t wait until you are 21 and we can have H-town blogs martini lunches!
Happy Birthday from me, too.
Belated happy birthday!
(btw, I became *double* your age on the 14th)