Post-Party Cleanup

Thanks to everyone who came out. The dinner was excellent and the after-party was packed. Judging from the number of cups and such I think about 40-50 people came out, but I really don’t have any idea. Much to my surprise, pictures are already online! You can browse Nicole’s afterparty and geekdinner tags, Jasmeet’s geek dinner tag, and Jonas’ photos. Some other people (Om and Russell) were taking photos but I don’t know where they went. There might be something to this Flickr thing. Scoble looks like he had a good time here.

One thought on “Post-Party Cleanup

  1. We really did underestimate the number of guests, didn’t we?

    For those with Flickr accounts, please feel free to add notes to my photos and identify who some of the people are, as I don’t really know many of the people in the photos I took.

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