T-Shirt Plea

Open letter to free schwag people: Not all geeks are XXL! There is a reason the small and medium shirts are the first to go. Please keep the smaller geeks in mind when purchasing your merch. Conference organizers: make t-shirt size part of the registration so you can give your vendors a heads-up to the size makeup of the conference. (Other than that, Gnomedex is going great.)

20 thoughts on “T-Shirt Plea

  1. I hear you there! At my old work we recieved T-shirts advertising a new system on my old campus, and all the shirts were either large or extra large. Being a female short in stature I had no choice but to use it for PJs. I feel your pain.

  2. hehe yeah, I went to a conference and had a simmilar problem except the only tee’s left where Smalls, which no way in hell would fit me. Luckly a kind organiser had saved another medium for herself incase the one she was wearing got dirty, and I had that one.

  3. Spot on but futile because America’s going supersized. I used to get well-fitting schwag no problem when I weighed +40 lbs. Now that I’ve become a solid M not only does the new schwag not fit, but all my old schwag is baggy too.

  4. I had this problem at HostingCon. So many companies were giving away t-shirts, but only three had a size that would fit me (small). I would love to see a wider variety of sizes to choose from!

  5. I have the problem of being really tall (and having a few extra pounds)… even the XXL’s are often too short for me. I’d have to agree ith Matt and say that conference organizers should ask what their attendees t-shirt sizes are.

    That, or I’ll have to put heavy weights on my head to shrink myself (does that work?)

  6. You could also go the retro-80s look and just tie the xxl at the waist… well, I suppose that would work for Aubrey but the fellas are our of luck. 🙂

  7. A real geek wear XXL T-shirt even if he’s small and thin.
    It is because a geek usually overestimate the requirements of a system to assure the highest performance.

  8. I think it’s more of that companies just order the same amount of every size, and alot more people wear large and small and medium than they do XXL. But ya, more shirts would be great

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