Paris and London WordPress Meetups

I’m going to be in Europe next week to speak at the Future of Web Apps in London, and I’ll be spending a few days in Paris beforehand. I’d love to meet up with WordPress-minded folks in both. Let’s do a Paris meetup on Sunday, September 30th and one in London on Tuesday the 2nd or Thursday the 4th. Leave a comment (with your email) if you can make it and we’ll nail down the details in the next day or two.

47 thoughts on “Paris and London WordPress Meetups

  1. It sounds like there’s an existing program for PHP London, but it’ll finish up around 8:30ish. Maybe we could start the WP meetup then, or is that too late?

  2. Why are these meetings always in London?? Their are other cities in the UK too… I would love to attend, but since I work and live in Aberdeen, its harder for me to get to London without spending a fortune on tickets and hotels!

  3. I would love to attend.

    Would be better maybe to pick a bar close to the FOWA event where there is at least parking available for those of us unable to travel into London via Public Transport easily.

    I would prefer Thursday probably 6:30 onwards if I can get away from $dayjob at a reasonable time.

  4. Hey Matt,

    It would be nice to finally meet you, but I’m afraid the WP:FR staff-members who live in Paris would have needed a bit more warning to accommodate our own week-end schedules with your plan.

    In any case, we’ll announce it on our forum for our users.

    Don’t hesitate to contact us
    …or me directly (mail included) if you’re looking for a place to have a drink around here πŸ™‚

  5. Hey Matt,

    Following you & WP since years now, I would be pleased to meet you in London on Tuesday, (if possible in the evening).
    Please let me know where you will be at that time or something. (Hopefully I won’t experience the same with hotels then you had! lol)

    Would be really nice to see you! Thanks πŸ˜‰

  6. Antoine Pasquier-Desvignes: hehe, at first I thought you were talking about the WP:FR team, then I understood it’s about the French rugby team, most probably against the All Blacks, I believe πŸ™‚

    I’m not sure any of us would prefer rugby to a wordpress meeting – then again, I’ve been wrong before ;=

    Truly, it’s going to be a tough evening finding a bar/pub where you can talk quietly this Sunday πŸ™‚

    Pour les intéressés :

  7. No rugby cup for me, so if you would let me know were you’ll meet other French people, i’ll be glad to join.
    Guess you know where I typed my mail πŸ˜‰

    See ya (?)


  8. @Vero Pepperrell, Unfortunately I can’t I will be going home for christmas then as well! I’m from Newfoundland and I will be gone back home for Christmas then

  9. Hi Matt, I´ll be at the FOWA with my camera and would very much like to interview you for a couple of minutes for o cpuple of german startup-scene-blogs, if possible. I´ll also try to reach you at the conference. Have a good trip to England, Cheers Christian

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