37 thoughts on “Video – How WordPress Has Changed My Life

  1. Cool! I love this video.

    Though, the voice seems to be generated ?

    Anyway, WordPress does really give many people a way to express themselves. I am also trying my best to tell the people in China to try WordPress 🙂

  2. Oh wow! That was a very touching video. Made me feel so ashamed of those times I’ve complained about not being able to do certain things just because they weren’t comfortable or user-friendly enough for me… Thanks for this inspiring post!

  3. Matt
    Kudos to you for your VISION in bringing WordPress and Automattic to life, because this video shows that wordpress is a POSITIVE life changer !
    Keep Up The Good work and Good Fight
    ps..hope to see and listen to you at WordCamp New York-10/05/08

  4. Congrats Matt! If you do nothing else in this life, you have achieved a lot as exemplified by this story. I was fortunate enough to be given an assignment to photograph a number of people with CP ( this was about 10 years ago)… I was struck by the dogged determination these folks had to communicate… many were using sticks in their mouths to tap out letters on their keyboards… looks like you have given them the key to broadcast their voices and show the lights that shine inside…

  5. That was truly inspirational!

    That really must make your feel amazing Matt, you know you’ve made such a profound difference in someones lives.

    Fantastic way to start my Working week. Thank you.

    (I’m googleing Glenda Watson Hyatt now 🙂 )

  6. omg.. this blogger know what she is doing.. nice.. wp change my life too.. huhu..

    people not see my from who I am.. but what I’m write about..

  7. Brilliant, concise, and persuasive! Accessibility rules! The theme i’m working on now will (hopefully) be as accessible as possible, because it’s important to keep ALL variants of humanity and machinery in mind when designing a user interface of any kind, for any purpose. Future-proofing should include the removal of all barriers (as possible) between humans and machines.

    She’s got a wonderful blog too.

  8. Ah, now I was impressed with the top execs under 30 ranking, but this is something else … how does it feel to know you’ve made this kind of a difference? The world really is a better place because you’ve shared your talents in a very meaningful way that allows other people to share theirs too.

    It was so nice to meet you at WordCamp Utah. Keep living the good life, and I’ll hope to meet you again sometime.

  9. I’m curious as to what kind of inspiration is inspired in those that say this video is inspirational?

    There are people that are close to me that I grew up around and although they can be labeled disabled I have never thought of them as such. What I find great about the video is she demonstrates the human tendency to adapt and overcome. There by making it seem as if she is not disabled at all.

  10. Many congratulations Matt. Nice video. We would like to interview you through our website and my admin submitted questions too.

    PS: We are still waiting for the smalltalk with one of the most influential person on the web.

  11. Though I love wordpress, her speech actually didnt have anything particular to wordpress. You could just replace her usage of wordpress with just blogspot.com or just a blog, everything still holds. Her life was changed by the ability to blog. Wp was just one of the facilitators possible.

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