Introducing IntenseDebate Plugins: add the features you want. Now ID has a plugin architecture (just like WordPress) that allows you to enhance the functionality of comments. First ones out the gate are polls, Youtube, Seesmic, and of course smileys. Want to supercharge your comments?
I already use it. i love to reply comments from my email.
Awesome! This is going to change the world of commenting
Now Ineed to give ID a second chance …
BTW: MA.TT why aren’t you using ID on yor blog at present?
I’ve been testing it out on and off, the nice thing about their sync feature is it lets you go back and forth easily.
yeahh … awesome. maestro release
currently follow koenig’s threads at ID blog
But I think it’s YouTube, not Youtube. Sorta like WordPress that way.
Interesting enough. Is there a way for developers do design plugins for ID like wordpress or is that still coming?
Moses, that is exactly what this is – a way for any developer to make a plugin that every ID user can choose to use if they wish.
According to the documentation, the structure of the plugin is very similar to regular WordPress plugins, so, it should be pretty easy for the most popular to be converted.
ID have really hit the ball out of the park with this one.
Maybe I didn’t read too far into the documentation, but it looked like the user HAD TO log in to post a comment, is this true? I love the concept…
Nope, it allows non-logged-in commenting just like regular WP.
Please tell me that it’s already easy to customize the ID commenting system in a dark theme like mine…
I’ve always wondered, why does Intense Debate and WordPress have separate logins? Are there plans to combine them?
If I were to use ID on my hosted WP blog, I’d want my commentators to sign up with MY site, not ID.
We’ll be integrating it with the login definitely.
If you were Steve Jobs you would have ended that sentence with the word “Boom!”.
Well awesome! Thanks for the info Matt.
Any word on a timeline for this?
It’s already out, check out .
I was talking about integrated login between WP and IntenseDebate. I can’t sign in to IntenseDebate using my WP account.
IntenseDebate is a joke , it doesn’t sync properly with your comments , and the load times will piss off your readers because it always adds an extra 5-10 seconds of load time.
This comment btw is after I’ve had to deal with Intense Debate for over 3 months now.
We’ve got a new version of the plugin coming out soon that should help this a lot.