Future of Reading

10 media and tech luminaries on the future of reading, I’m number 10. Also includes Jimmy Wales, Marc Andreessen, Jeff Jarvis, and Kevin Rose.

10 thoughts on “Future of Reading

  1. Hi Matt, when I saw the title of this post I was expecting something more valuable with a bit more substance than what I found here.
    I mean it’s cool that you’re number ten and all; really but I would have expected something about the future of reading here….. which I strongly believe, will be more like the future of watching. Video is coming to take over the Internet and with ever faster Internet connections, reading will soon be secondary to watching.
    What say you?

  2. Congrats Matt … you’re almost an Auttomatic! in for things like this!

    I think the future of items like the iPad and future tablet items will make online publishers lives all the more powerful …

    … not to mention the speed-read from editors …