RTE Interview

When I was in Ireland last week I got the chance to appear on the nightly news show on RTE, which you can view here on WPTV. It was interesting because (1) I was standing in the oddest spot and (2) because it was live broadcast I had one of those things in my ear and there was a second or so delay, which was kind of fun. Here’s the view from the broadcast van. The guest photos were taken by Ciara Beades and Aisling Keane.

6 thoughts on “RTE Interview

  1. I watched that when it was first posted on WPTV, thought you came across very well as usual. The background did look a little odd, as if you were standing in some strangely cold and windy Vietnamese jungle, not in the middle of Trinity.

    As it happens, I spent four years walking by that building. The building opposite where you were standing, across the small square, is where Oscar Wilde had his rooms as a student.

    It was nice that you gave a shout out to Donncha – a lot of folks in Cork will have been watching that show. Few people in Ireland realise how important WordPress is or that there are, relative to our country’s size, a lot of Irish involvement, it’s an encouraging story at a time when the country is facing so many problems.

    Hopefully you’ll be able to come to the next Irish WordCamp and my fingers are crossed that they’ll be able to hold it somewhere more accessible, such as Dublin, this time.

  2. Hey Matt! This is Aisling, one of the of the girls who brought you over for your appearance on RTE news (I was the one who commandeered your camera for those few minutes) glad to see the photos up on the net! lovely to meet you too!