The Wall Street Journal interviews Annise Parker on Houston and calls it “The Modern American Boomtown”. I think Houston is the most under-appreciated city in North America, as anyone who’s hung out with me for more than a few hours has heard me preach.
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As reported on BoomTown, I'm joining some cool folks including Biz Stone, Chris Sacca, Mike Tatum, and David Liu as an adviser to The Start Project.
BoomTown Plea to Jeff Bewkes: Free Jon Miller! --- Kara Swisher.

It was a huge pain in the butt, because my mail-in ballot didn't register properly, but I found a last-minute flight to Houston and this morning walked over to Congregation Emanu El and voted. It is our most sacred duty as a citizen. I encourage every American to vote.
Any place on this earth being decsribed as a “Boomtown” is a very good thing for everyone, but particularily those of you who already knew it!! Good news is always good to hear!
Houston born and bred here, and having lived on the east coast, the west coast, and in England, I can honestly say I will never live anywhere else.
Agreed ! Houston is accelerating quickly with many new startup events and the economy continues to soar.
Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics ranks Houston in the top 10 best places in the nation get a job. UH 1970.
I like Houston so much I’m flying halfway around the world just to go back. That could partly be the wonderful Texan hospitality, though
Just thinking about Houston makes me sweat.
I married into Houston and though I miss the bikes, pedestrians and safety of Montreal I have to say the cost of delicious food and long sailing season keep me very happy. For a good party town new Orleans and Austin are close anyway.