Happy Birthday Om!

Today the legendary Om Malik celebrates his 50th time around the sun. For many that know him, Om defies definition: He’s first a writer, and finally always a true friend, but in between he’s an investor, photographer, oenophile, closet Bollywood fan, critical thinker, and sartorialist. He’s also been my friend and confidant for over a decade now, and I cannot wait to see what his next 50 years bring for him and the world.

Here’s some snaps of Om over the years, from 2008 to just a few weeks ago when he was blonde for a few days. Happy birthday, buddy. 😀

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9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Om!

  1. Thank you Matt. I am just glad to be blessed with your friendship and so proud of your achievements. You just gave me the best gift ever-walk down memory lane and beautiful moments. ❤️

  2. Wow! My favourite tech leader is good friends with my favourite technology writer ever.
    Happy Birthday Om Malik!!

    I have always found that critical thinking come through in his writing. I was thankful that I came across this post by Om on 10 years of blogging – https://gigaom.com/2011/11/26/10-years-gigaom/ when I was really stuck in a rut with my thinking about where I wanted to go in my career.

    Thanks Om Malik for being an awesome writer.