6 thoughts on “Back on Tim’s Podcast

  1. I haven’t listened to the whole podcast yet (delayed gratification) but what I heard so far was thoughtful and interesting. Besides I enjoy listening to your kind voice. Am I allowed to write that? All the best.

  2. I checked out the Calm and Coach apps that you mentioned. Thanks, hadn’t heard of them before. I kind of prefer the back and forth from you and Tim like the last podcast, though. Nonetheless, it was a great listen! ☺

  3. I’ve really enjoyed both podcasts. I’ve gained many useful insights, thanks again Matt!

    As someone starting a career in remote work, I’d love to hear your suggestions as to how to find that community you spoke of. It’s a problem I’ve been struggling to find a solution to.

    A recommendation for books on vulnerability: Mark Manson’s “Models” (really just the first 4 chapters). It’s transformed how I think about myself and how I interact with the world. I think his new book may be even better, I just haven’t read it yet.

  4. A high-fidelity, motivational shot in the arm! Listened on a Verizon Android tablet in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep. Every business student or anyone simply looking to cultivate a more more efficient and fulfilling life should listen and take notes.

    I like how you go until you “run out of gas.” It’s also cool to see the flexibility of the Pomodoro Technique relative to time intervals. For me, in the practice room, it’s three 15-minute intervals (long tones, scales, transcribing on the fly) with a five-minute break. Then, a final 10-minute free play session. If I only have 15-minutes to practice, I allot 5-minutes to each of the above areas. Beating the “beep” is my motivator.

    Thanks for everything you share, Matt. It’s great to see your tenor is treating you well. The “Love Shack” video from the Grand Meetup on Twitter is awesome!!! Groove on! 🙂

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