It’s true, it’s true, I turn forty years old in ten days.
What do you get the guy who has everything?
I admit I’m not the easiest to shop for, I can be quite particular in my preferences of this cable versus that one, but the good news is the gift I most want for my 40th is something everyone can do.
I want you to blog.
Publish a post. About anything! It can be long or short, a photo or a video, maybe a quote or a link to something you found interesting. Don’t sweat it. Just blog. Share something you created, or amplify something you enjoyed. It doesn’t take much. The act of publishing will be a gift for you and me.
That’s what I want for my birthday. If you link to this post and use WordPress the Pingback system will notify me about your post and it will show up in the comment stream, but I’m okay even if you don’t use WordPress, just post something and send me a link. You can start a free site on Tumblr or get a domain that can be your home on the internet with
You’ve got ten days! After the 11th I’ll close the comments and pingbacks on this post. But I’m so curious to read what people write.
That’s it! No wrapping paper or bows. Just blogs and blogs and blogs, each unique and beautiful in its own way. (Oh! And put $10 toward the Bay Lights so we can get the contributor number as high as possible.)
Very timely!
That’s a great one, and you’re the first to respond!
Already on it.
Here’s my contribution. My personal challenge is to get back to writing this coming year. I need to remember that everything doesn’t always have to be “all business,” thanks for the reminder of that. I too believe that both mine and people’s lives can be enriched through the writing experience. Happy birthday coming up!
Happy Birthday Matt. It’s amazing to follow your journey and get along with WordPress since 1.X
Looking forward to reading more posts from you, Matt!
As they say “40 is the new 20”.
You still have plenty to contribute to the web Matt.
Happy Birthday! I wish you many more to come. I enjoy reading your blog. I recently started blogging on WordPress and am enjoying it.
Happy upcoming birthday, Matt!
How about instead of 1 posts I give you over 1000? Been blogging regularly since 2006, mostly on WordPress, and love everything about it! Here’s to more weird and wonderful blogs in 2024 and beyond.
Happy Birthday Matt.
why thank you for the opportunity c:
Happy birthday! WordPress has been so helpful, personally and professionally. Keep up the good fight on a free internet.
PS thanks for this post’s inspiration! I removed many embarrassingly old links from my sidebar
Happy Birthday, Matt! Wishing you a day filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments. May this year bring you success, happiness, and all your heart desires. Cheers to another fantastic year ahead!
Happy Birthday! Seems like just yesterday I was thinking, “Wow, he’s only in his twenties and doing all this”. 40 is a great milestone. Every decade is.
Matt, I wish you a very happy birthday. Plant a seed, call that your dreams and aspirations, water it carefully and attend to its life, in doing so you will also take time out to ponder the wonders all around you.
intentions I plan to steal for 2024:
40 years. Happy Birthday young lad! I remember it well although for me, was almost 30 years ago. More proof that WordPress and coding does endure into our old age.
Hi Matt, was lead to this blog via Tim Ferris show notes. Cool domain you got there.
I use substack for publishing my thoughts but I promise I will stop putting it off and migrate my way over to my own little space on the internet. natively supports the import of both content and subscribers from Substack
And there is free and paid newsletter feature as well:
Plus, you’ll get help and guidance from Happiness Engineers.
What, if anything, is holding you back from the move?
Oh I didn’t know there was a free newsletter feature on WordPress. Thank you for the link, so glad I scrolled through the comments
Happy upcoming birthday, Matt!
I started 2 blogs to explore my passions. Lego and the community around it (as a hobby) and the Open Web (as part of my career).
Here are the first 2 posts I published yesterday:
Happy birthday!
Here’s a short post from the microblog.
Blog posts can be any length.
Happy future bday
I hope you like this one >
Happy Birthday!
I decided to revive my truly ancient personal blog ( by following the Bloganuary prompts.
Wrote this: The Watchmaker’s Approach to Web Development ( Happy birthday!
40! That’s something… I wish you a happy birthday, and many more to come.
Here’s your birthday present, proclaiming (or hoping, at least) that 2024 will be the year of the blog:
Happy birthday
I’m turning 40 next year and I’m already stressed about it.
While not WordPress, but Statamic (they bought me with the flat file approach which is simpler to maintain for micro projects) here’s my summary of 2023
Great idea!
Happy soon to be birthday! I really love this, and it’s something I’ve been trying to get back into as well over the past 15 months. I wrote a little piece about my desire for more indie blogging in 2024:
Happy Birthday, Matt! Thank you for making it possible for us all to express ourselves and publish online. I didn’t realize how much I needed this outlet of blogging until I started doing it. Now, I’m 1000+ posts in, and I don’t know how I’d live without my blog(s). WordPress and Automattic have changed my life, and I’m grateful to you for the opportunities you create for all of us. Your birthday request is a gift to us as well as our posts being a gift to you, and I blogged for you (and me) today: [The gift of doing]( I hope you have a wonderful birthday — I’m glad you were born :).
Happy birthday, Matt. But the pingback didn’t work, not sure why not, been waiting for it, but it’s been two days, so I’m posting link in comments manually: Blog on! Joe
I did one, with more planned for this year! Happy Birthday Matt
Happy Birthday, Matt! It’s hard to believe I’ve been following you around the internet since 2007. That’s 17 years!
I started a blog last year, but I still need to commit to it. I decided to prioritize writing in 2024. I’m aiming to reduce friction, and a newsletter feels right. I started one here:
What about this whole internet thing?
Was writing a blog post on Pocket Cast PlayBack feature and figured, this may be a wonderful birthday gift to you
If you are reading this, I would prefer a behind the scenes look at how the Pocket Casts team created the Playback feature. There are so many considerations and decisions that are necessary.
Happy 40th Birthday….
My thoughts in AGI
I want a return gift from you Matt. At least on blog post once a week from you
The more the better. Deal.
We all love reading your blog post. Write anything even if it’s silly.
Happy Birthday! From me at
Happy b-day! Got me to write something down I’ve been meaning to for awhile, and back on WordPress.
Happy Birthday to you… I remember 40
I recently started a blog; – just random bits and pieces, but it’s my corner of the web.
Is this the reason why we have Bloganuary
Anyway, here’s my gift for you:
Thank You, and Happy Birthday!
I sometimes find it hard to get words on my blog, so I wrote a bit about why that might be. I really want the indie web to grow this year!
Happy birthday, and thanks for all your work to grow the web!
Happy Birthday Matt. You inspired me to write my first blog after listening to the most recent episode with Tim. So from one Matt who also turned 40 to another, enjoy your birthday!!
Just launched my new blog. Still a bit rough around the edged, but it is live
Hey Matt
There’s a song by one of the King Crimson guys that goes something like “I’ve got all the time in the world” — but he didn’t.
Anyways, LOVE this post!
I realize that it’s a big part of the MISSION: to democratize publishing.
Maybe my mission is a little bit broader — to democratize communications? So not just writing, also reading, communication in general. Basically: using language (which I consider to be the world’s largest open source technology
I may very well write about this post @ Wants.Blog — whether or not time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking, …
Happy Birthday, Matt! This is a great idea. Here’s mine: Israel and Palestine: Whose Side Are You On?
Here you go, Matt. Not WordPress, but my own homebrewed blog engine:
I’ll take it!
Happy Birthday! I can’t imagine a day *without* blogging at this point!
Happy birthday! I ended up spewing a whole bunch of words on my own history with blogging and such:
Thank you for the words, Matt! Happy blogging and happy birthday –
Simple but very effective prompt! I wrote about the observations I had about conversations and how we share our thoughts with each other:
Happy Birthday! What I plan on hacking on in the new year:
Well, I think my ping didn’t quite make it your way Matt, but your b’day gift request was perfectly timed with this post. Happy Birthday!
Hey Matt, Here’s My WordPress Journey:
Happy birthday Matt!
I wrote about a small change I made to my non WordPress-powered website, but one that I think nicely fits in with the overall spirit of blogging and having a personal website. This is my gift to you.
Happy Birthday, Matt. I always enjoy hearing your conversations with Tim. It was actually the most recent one that helped push me to commit to myself to do a post a week this year (something I’ve been procrastinating on for years).
Happy early birthday, Matt!
I wrote a bit about my theme for 2024:
I’m excited to get back to blogging more often.
Happy birthday and thanks for the prompt Matt. I wrote about my appreciation for you and the WordPress community along with the state of blogging here I hope you can enjoy your much deserved sabbatical this year!
Happy Birthday in advance. Thanks for the daily inspiration.
Happy birthday, Matt!
This is quite a long post about and
Happy Birthday, Matt!!
Happy birthday Matt !
I wrote about a feature I had to implement, allowing a “mother” checkbox to be checked when all “daughter” checkboxes are checked.
It’s in French, so I hope you don’t mind
Happy 40th Matt
from Vancouver where you gave an amazing keynote back in 2008. More:
Hey Matt — happy birthday from my blog.
Many happy returns.
Happy birthday!
It happens to be my birthday too, this week, so I made some wishes:
Thank you for everything you do. I hope you have a wonderful year.
Gosh, sure glad I am not waiting for you to blow out the candles! #4 – yes!
Hello Matt
Happy birthday to you!
Thank you for keep supporting Open Source, and keep blogging for sure.
Anyway, I also write a post in response of this post.
Here is the post:
Have a wonderful year to you and everyone who reads this comment.
Happy Birthday Matt!
Happy Birthday Matt! Your post motivated me to blog more
Happy early birthday Matt!
Coincidentally on Friday I wrote a long-form blog post for the first time in a long time, without even planning to:
Happy Birthday! After 10 years of blogging (one of which being a sabbatical), I’m finally trying to do one a day.
Happy Birthday, Matt. Your request inspired me to write the following thank you note using the WordPress app while on the airplane. Thanks again for all your work and best wishes for a great birthday.
Happy Birthday Matt!
Happy birthday, Matt…
And thank you for creating [with!] WordPress!
Found you from Tim. Thanks for turning me onto Paul’s essays. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Matt. The pingback didn’t work for me so I’m posting my post link manually:
Made a what’s in my bag post
your website is so nice!
For my post, I thought I’d blog about how blogging has connected me with all different kinds of people, most of whom I’ve never met in person, just through the simple act of writing something on my own domain and hitting “Publish.”
Happy Birthday, Matt, and thank you for doing what you do.
Here is my blog and I was very happy to hear you say on Tim’s Pod that you have changed your mind about medical cannabis which is what my next will be about!
Okay. My trackback did not show up… So,
Sorry. Big mistake.
Here is my blogpost.
Wishing you a great, happy, warm and calm birthday and the years ahead! Be well.
Happy Birthday Matt! Here’s to writing –
Manual pingback:
I recently wrote (and recorded an audioblog for) one of the most personal pieces I’ve ever written.
happy birthday!
A recent-ish personal blog post:
My trackback didn’t show up, so I’ll post it manually. Thank you for the push!
I’ve been trying to blog more in general this year too.
Happy Birthday Matt!
Hey Matt, Happy Birthday!
I found you through your interview with Tim Ferriss. I’ve wanted an online creative outlet for a while and this was the perfect motivation to get started:
Happy early birthday Matt.
I wrote my year end review on the blog –
Happy Birthday Matt, I wrote: https://tõ
Happy birthday for tomorrow, Matt
Our founder & CEO just released a Year in Review article. Taking inspiration from your State of the Word 2023 presentation, we are prioritizing Data Liberation for Freemius:
happy belated birthday!
blogging is such a good way to reflect and organize your thoughts, my goal is to be more consistent with it this year.
Wishing you a great year ahead
In what is almost my most-prolific blogging streak in the 25+ years I’ve been blogging, I’ve published 14 posts so far this year. And here’s one for you:
I wrote:
One of my more technical/nuts-and-bolts posts, but one I had been waiting to make for a while.
Happy birthday, Matt! It really does feel like blogging has the momentum again, and I’m here for it! My big goal for 2024 is to help provide options and make it easier for _everyone_ to have a blog if they want one. More options make it more likely that there is a blog software that’s just right for each person.
And so that’s what I wrote about:
Just the last thing I posted:
Happy Birthday Matt! Your post was just the push I needed to kick off one of my goals for 2024: getting into blogging! Here is what I wrote:
Happy 40th Birthday Matthew! May this new life year bring you much Joy and Peace. Best, Anna Kim M
Thanks, Matt, for reminding us about the joy of blog publishing. I’m so glad that we all retain the freedom to express our thoughts in writing. Happy 40th birthday!
PS. If you’re curious about my little contribution, check the link:
Congratulations on being eligable for 40 over 40 lists. Got you a little something along with a couple of other WP Core folks. My version is at:
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Thanks for the inspiration.
For years I have been procrastinating on starting to publish in English on my blog, and I believe this is a great opportunity to change that. I wrote about the Weekly-Habit Pact, a tool inspired by the book Atomic Habits from James Clear, which has been helping me create new habits since 2020: . I hope it helps others too. Happy birthday, Matt!
Happy Birthday, Matt!
Happy birthday!
Epic facepalm, link SHOULD have been; in any case, second time around as a belated Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Matt!
Happy Birthday Matt!
Wishing you all the best for a new year and I hope you enjoy your sabbatical.
I owe a lot to you for getting started with the web. These days I run Remote Jobs and and now I’ll commit to personal blogging this year.
All the best,
P.S. How’s Lilly Belle?
Happy Birthday, Matt! Thank you for supporting remote work and all the wonderful opportunities it unlocks
Happy Birthday, Matt!
Here’s my unusual book recommendation
Happy Birthday Matt, I hope your wishes come true. Thank you for putting the fire in my belly to blog. A birthday present for you. A tale of Loss, Love and Hope. p.s.I love your Birthday wish…”here’s to the non MATTerialistic hearts in the world” love, Sara
I’m 37, I’m constantly thinking of ways to create impact. I never stop learning and I never miss an opportunity to help a colleague. You know, the creed. I printed the a8c creed and it’s in my wall. I’m pretty sure you’ve not only made internet better, but also you’ve made many people to be better.
The greatest gift you made to all of us is everything you’ve built, from WordPress to our culture.
I hope before my 40s I can create the impact you have created in the world.
Happy birthday and keep rocking!
Happy Birthday
Okay! Logistics!
I am approving these comments manually, and reading everything that comes in. If you left a link as a pingback and a comment I might have deleted one and approved the other. If your site felt spammy it to me it might not show up. Will get through them all! All it takes is time.
WordPress has a feature where previously-approved commenters are auto-approved, and I have that on, but it doesn’t apply to pingbacks, so be generous and careful with that.
Finally, this is so much fun!!!
Thanks Matt!
I’m not sure if my comment went through. If not, Happy Birthday and please say hello to Lily Belle for me.
Enjoy your sabbatical too!
Happy Birthday! Many blessings.
Happy Birthday Matt.
Thanks to you I have been blogging using WordPress for 20 years. Have a fun weekend. Hope to see you in Texas, again.
Happy Birthday Matt! Thank you for all you have and are doing! Your work has had a significant impact on my life!
Happy Birthday, Matt.
Happy birthday, Matt! I’ve put together a year in review of 2023:
Happy birthday! Thanks for all you do for the web.
Happy Birthday Matt! This gave me the push to finally post something instead of thinking about it –
The post didn’t mention it, but your call to action here helped motivate me to write about something personal to me. Thanks, and happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Matt!! It amazing all you have done to help democratize publishing and all the other things you done to help the global community. Have a great rest of your bday!
Happy birthday Matt.
Happy 40th birthday to you Matt, and 60th birthday to my Dad! Both you and my Dad are life-long inspirations to tinker, create and use my skills to help the people around me. This is my first blog post, thank you for making me start the year off right!
Here’s to the big 4-0, Matt!
I forget how long it takes for pingbacks to show up… but mine’s not here yet for some reason. Happy Birthday Matt!
Gear post – will detail further…
Happy birthday Matt!
Happy birthday, Matt. As a beginner, I found WordPress great to start with. Even though I no longer use it for my humble personal needs, I find it endearing to read this weblog. Here’s to another 40.
Happy birthday!!!
How serendipitous that a 2024 resolution of mine is to record, post, share more – whatever it is, and even if its not perfect (and trust me, it aint).
Happy Birthday Matt! I am amazed to see what you want as a gift. Glad i am working on the same.
hmmm…no pingback for me. Welp, happy belated BDAY Matt!
Last but not the least (hopefully) Happy happy birthday!
Blessed Birthday, Matt! I wrote about your birthday in my weekly curated newsletter on digital marketing and WordPress
Hey, Matt. I’m late to the party, but I started a new art-related blog earlier this month. Here’s the first post:
Thanks for letting me share a link.