On Podcasting

More love from Apple.com: “IMHO WordPress is the best single user blogging system available (did I mention its free?) […] I came accross this really simple tutorial on how to use WordPress as a podcasting engine … take a look at it. What is so amazing is how easy it really is! Before you know it, you’ll have thousands of listeners, be listed in the iTunes 4.9 Podcasting Directory, and be a media darling.” We’re turning the media darling thing into a plugin in 1.6. Hat tip: Pete Quily.

Dawn and Drew on WordPress

Drew from the Dawn & Drew Show wrote in: “hi matt, i just wanted to drop you a line letting you know how much i enjoy using wordpress. i went from blogger to movabletype to wordpress and i’m digging it very much. i’m half of the dawn and drew podcast and wasn’t sure if you know about podcasting or not, but all of adam curry’s podshow affiliates are using wordpress across the network. i’m in the process of redoing adam’s site in wordpress now.”