Salon Article

Blogging grows up, not as interesting as it could have been, but a good overview of Six Apart. When I talked to Farhod about two weeks ago I estimated around 15k WordPress blogs. Today the WP blog crawler has over 18,000 in its database. Six months ago the list was small enough to list every WordPress blog on the counter page. Nine months ago you could count the number of WP blogs on your hands. Since I started writing this entry 82 people have downloaded WordPress for free. It’s not where we’re at, it’s where we’re going.

Everything OK

Thanks to everyone that wrote in. I am okay, I just haven’t had anything to post in a day or so. I guess when people get used to a deluge of content every day if that stops people get worried. Sarah got back from her two week tour of China a few days ago so I’ve been seeing her a lot.

Humble Googling

It’s always humbling when you’re searching for an answer to something on Google and you come across a page from your own site in Google. It’s even worse when that page has the answer. I want Technorati or Feedster to show three types of hits: those from my own blog, those from other blogs, and those from Google.

Email Stats

It looks like the email stats thing was adding over half a second to my front page load time. So it’s temporarily on hiatus while I tweak my queries so it won’t be so slow. Have about seven thousand ham and twelve thousand spam in the database, so that may have been slowing it down.