WordPress Meetup

For everyone in San Francisco the WordPress Meetup is tomorrow (Saturday) at 4 PM. However there is a slight misunderstanding about the location. All week I’ve been telling everyone it’s going to be at the Border’s at Union Square, when at the meetup site it’s listed as a Border’s someplace way out of town. So to clarify, I’m going to be at the Border’s at Union Square Saturday at 4 PM, not anywhere else. We’ll meet in the cafe and eat, drink, and be merry. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Here’s the store information. I hear the best parking is at Stockton and Sutter. We’re on the second floor.

Pattern Recognition

Good with faces? Help me identify these people from the Supernova dinner in the comments to this post. Pictures can be referred to as #1, #2, etc.

A lot of very interesting people were there. Please leave comments on this entry and not the pictures themselves. Thanks. 🙂