Take the Caltrain

I forgot to post this before, so here it is.

I’m on the Caltrain going to Mountain View for lunch, and I’m taking advantage of the much-needed downtime to listen to some music, enjoy the scenery, reply to email, and catch up on writing. Being offline has been productive, and I’m wondering if I should recreate the effect at home by turning off my wireless for an hour or two every day. Something about the constant stream of stimuli when I’m online can be very tiring.

The party/conference last night was an amazing success. I had no idea so many people were going to be there, and Tantek’s house (which we spent a fair amount of time getting ready) was great for the after-party. The conversations were fascinating, and I got a chance to talk a bit with people I knew but had never gotten to sit with before, like Anil. Also met some new faces like Zack and [INSERT NAMES HERE]. Pictures should be up soon and I’ll aside them when they are. Captioning pictures when every single person has a URI can be tedious. 😉

Usually when I listen to music in headphones I’m stationary, so moving around with them is a novel experience. It’s like having a personal soundtrack to the Matt Movie. This must be the attraction of iPods.

In San Francisco

And the weather is gorgeous! Rode the BART from the airport, and it was the most comfortable public transporation I’ve ever been on. The Muni was about the same as any other subway/train thing I’ve been on, except every third person had white iPod earphones on and a Powerbook in their lap. I’m sitting in Crepes on Cole and it’s a very nice place, the food smells great and the music is good. Very cozy. Can’t wait for Tantek to get here so we can eat. What amazes me right now is the number of people just walking around. Lots of babies, lots of dogs. Lots of people holding dogs like babies. It would be easy to sit here and people watch all day. What’s funny is in the back of my mind I half expect every face that walks by to belong to a web celebrity, like at SxSW.

Meetup Update

The three top cities for the WordPress meetup right now are San Francisco, Houston, and Manila (in the Phillipines). Four people have confirmed their attendence at the Borders in San Francisco so far. If only four people come, we’ll still have a blast, but I suspect there will be some surprise guests that should make things very interesting. Saturday at 4 PM, possibly in a city near you. Don’t forget.