Database Backend for Gallery

Gallery, in my opinion, is the best photo management software out there for web right now; it really does everything you could want such a package to do. However, it’s relatively old, as far as web projects go, and development decisions made long ago are starting to really limit it. With version two of Gallery Bharat, the main developer, is fixing everything he wishes he had done right the first time. I’ve been following the new code on the CVS pretty closely and from what I’ve seen so far it’s really quite nice.

Bharat (page has sound) is doing things right the second time around, but the project isn’t moving terribly fast. One of the biggest hassles in trying to deal with Gallery as it stands now is interfacing with the serialized data files. It’s almost impossible to hack unless you get really knee deep in the code. Also, due to the flat-file nature of the data files, things get slower the bigger they get. I had to disable the random picture on the menu just because it was adding about a second or more to the time taken to generate every page! With the data accessible through SQL, I could write a random photo block in five lines of code that takes almost no time to run, not to mention all the other fun things you could do with the data in a proper relational database. Check out the Zeitgeist for an example of some fun things you can do with SQL and PHP when you’re bored.

Anyway, it looks like a temporary solution may be available soon. I’ve contacted the developer and I’m looking into implementing this her as soon as possible. Cross your fingers :).

Grenade at Iris Jazz Resort

After a hard day, I really wanted to kick back and relax. Usually I do this by either taking pictures or listening to music, it was a hard day so I decided to do both. I got an email from Kel earlier saying his band, Grenade, had a gig tonight at my new favorite jazz venue, the Iris Jazz Resort off of Richmond. I caught the last couple of songs from their next to last set and I it was quite good; I think both of the people in the audience enjoyed it.

Seriously, there were probably between around fifteen or twenty people there, but the crowd was nowhere near what the music deserved. Since I left I’ve rationalized the reasons there were so few people there: it’s a Wednesday, not that well-known place (yet), last set, school night, et cetera. It just made me a little disheartened with jazz’s state of popularity. Oh well, maybe there’ll be more people at the Kemah Jazz Festival this weekend. If you go there and see a guy running around with a digital camera, say hi to me.

Busy as a Bee

Today has been one of the busiest days I can remember, which is nice because I like having things to do, but is subconciously stressing just because there are things right after another. I’ve had my two hardest classes, a meeting with David Caceres, and now I have to go take a test. After that there’s a two hour rehearsal for the big band, and after that who knows what. On a more interesting note, I had a good talk with David about possibly starting a blog on his site. This would be espescially interesting because I don’t know of any full-timu musicians, much less jazz musicians, who have blogs.

Behavior Analysis—French Fries and Computers

Someone pointed out to me the other day that, without fail, I always eat french fries with my left hand. As I looked down at my left hand digging into the fries and then at my completely idle right hand, I was perplexed. Why was I eating my fries in such a particular fashion? Nature or nurture? It was obviously a learned condition, as I don’t know anyone else who does it, but the real question was how had I learned it?

As much as I analyzed my daily patterns, I couldn’t nail it down. Finally, it dawned on me: the mouse. Years of eating while I was on the computer had trained me to eat hand foods with my left hand and compute with my right. While this isn’t effective with a command-line interface, where I do a lot of my work, for browsing or reading it is just fine. Lately I’ve begun to notice there are several benefits to being able to eat with one hand, multi-task with the other. I’ve found it especially useful when driving, but that warrants a whole other article :).

PalmTalk Today

Just a reminder for those who are interested, the pilot episode of PalmTalk is going to air Tuesday at 9:30 PM, right before the news. If you have Time-Warner cable it’ll be on channel 19, and if you have Phonoscope or TV-Max it’ll be on 71. Next Tuesday is going to be an espescially fun episode as well because there are all the new units coming out and we have also ironed out a lot of the technical kinks we had with the first filming. Now I just need to find someplace with cable so I can watch it!

Curly Quotes in Movable Type

I am happy to announce that the “curlyquotes” module for Movable Type has passed out of beta into the release stage. Many thanks to Todd of Dominey Design for testing and providing valuable feedback. Here are the updated instructions. For full details, please see this script’s info page, which lets you receive updates by email, leave comments, report bugs, ask for features, and ask questions, et cetera. Here are the updated installation directions:

  1. Install the MTRegex plugin. (Directions from readme.txt file)
    1. Get file.
    2. Place the ‘’ file in your Movable Type “plugins” directory
    3. Place ‘’ and ‘’ in a ‘bradchoate’ subdirectory underneath your Movable Type “extlib” directory.
    4. You should end up with something like this:
      • (mt home)/plugins/
      • (mt home)/extlib/bradchoate/
      • (mt home)/extlib/bradchoate/
  2. Create a new template module called curlyquotes with the code from here.
  3. Add <$MTInclude module="curlyquotes"$> to the top of all your templates.
  4. Replace all occurences of <$MTEntryBody$> with <$MTEntryBody

Usage is free, in every sense of the word, but if you could throw a link back this way I would appreciate it. Also if you improve on the code in some way, submit your changes so everyone can benefit.

What this module does: It takes straight quotes/prime mark, and makes them proper typographer’s quotes, sometimes called “curly” or “smart” quotes. So basically it takes "this" and makes it “this” using the proper HTML entities. It also works with single quotes, apostrophes, and multi-paragraph double quotes. It slices and dices!

Why? Because there is no button for a curly quote or apostrophe on the keyboard. No really, see the old post for more.

Massive Site Update

Well, at about 5 earlier today the finishing touches were put on the curlyquotes module for Movable Type, and I began working on posting it. I had a 5:30 class though, so that put things off for a while. Then there was dinner, then some friends, then the phone, and more distractions (I mean that in the best possible way!) till about 11 p.m. By that time I had been thinking about it forever so I had some neat ideas about how to present things and integrate it into the site. Well, three hours and 1300 lines of PHP later, the site now has a Script section integrated with the new membership system. Whew, Talk about feature creep!

The best writing is rewriting, as is evidenced by the regex module reaching its maturity. The basic functionalities of the member and systems are in now, but watch for it to mature quite a bit over the next week or so.

Google News

Google News has ‘officially’ launched, insofar that it is now a tab on the now-crowded Google toolbar (not toolbar, I guess tab-bar). Although it’s still labeled as beta, those of you who remember what it used to look like know that it’s come quite a way. It seems to have some sort of algorithm running, so check it out. If you’re interested in seeing what else is cooking at Google, check out Google Labs, which currently has such goodies as a keyboard navigable interface, a glossary, something fancy with sets, and an interface that will return results based on your voice commands.

Jazz Quotes Expanded

I’ve made quite a few changes to the JazzQuotes section of the site, the most important of which being that it now accepts submissions. I strongly encourage you if you have a favorite jazz quote that isn’t in there already to submit it. I also expanded the database to hold some interesting information in the future. Watch this space.


I’m in the process of compiling ht://Dig 3.2.0b4 to add full-featured search to this site. If you don’t have experience with it already, I would highly recommend checking out ht://Dig next time you consider making a search feature. I considered using a FULLTEXT MySQL search but that would ignore one of the largest sections of the site, the Photolog, which is not MySQL-driven (yet).

Makes for a Fun Funeral

I had the most terrible dream last night that I on death row and today at three I would be put to death. They were going to let me meet Tim-Berners Lee though, who apparently worked across the street from the place. I need to stop mixing late-night snacks with reading W3C specs. Anyway, tho thoughts of my mortality nicely dovetailed with an interesting article on cremation at Wired. I want to be the frisbee :). Warning: article is full of terrible puns.