Web Apps with Class

It would be interesting to talk about web applications and services in terms of the year they “graduated” and went public to the world. IMDB was ’90; Amazon.com was ’95; Movable Type was ’01; WordPress.org and Typepad were Class of ’03; Gmail was ’04; WordPress.com, Akismet, Youtube, TechCrunch, and pbwiki were ’05; bbPress, Amazon S3, and Twitter were ’06; Pownce was ’07, etc. It’d also be cool to see a timeline of major web apps.

Entertainment Gathering

Even though I swore off conferences for the rest of the year, I’m going to be making one final exception for the Entertainment Gathering in Los Angeles, which will be going on December 2-4. I’ll be going outside my normal role and attending as the official blogger for the conference, covering all aspects of the sessions, speakers, and attendees armed with a laptop and camera. If it sounds like your cup of tea, I think there are a handful of seats left.

Giving Back

In August of this year I started thinking a lot more about philanthropy and giving back. I was raised with a strong emphasis on civic responsibility and volunteering and though I’ve been very lucky in this world but haven’t found a way to connect back philanthropically beyond sporadic donations to open source, freedom, or music organizations I’m passionate about. There are a million places you can give money to, but it’s tricky to identify where it’ll be best used and have the biggest impact.

Spurred on by a lunch I attended with Peter Diamandis talking about the prize-based philosophy behind the Xprize and goading from Tim Ferriss I’ve stepped things up in the latter part of this year, starting by matching Tim on First Giving (something I hope to continue though he’s ahead right now). If you’re thinking about dipping your toes in giving back, Donors Choose is a great place to start.