SiliconBeat has a good article on the launch of Automattic and the Yahoo deal. We also ended up in Infoworld. Scott Gatz wrote a bit about the Yahoo deal, saying “The Hosting team also did a similar deal with Moveable Type last week, so if you prefer that, its just as easy. (although I personally prefer the simplicity and extensibility of WordPress).”
congrats. what an exciting day!
It might be a crazy speculation, but I am starting to think that Yahoo is becoming to Google what Apple _was_ becoming to Microsoft in their early days.
Congrats Matt, that’s a good push for Automattic. I look forward forward to seeing what prospectives come of this and what the future of WordPress has.
Congratulations! That ROCKS! (I wish I had known you were in Houston – we would have loved to have seen you. Even in my pain med haze.)