Today is my birthday! It is also, if you write it the right way, a palindrome: 01-11-10. (Hat tip: Mike Adams.)
Twenty-five was a very good year. I started out with a lot of goals and actually made progress or accomplished most of them, as well as some things I didn’t anticipate. Of my 14 resolutions last year 10 of them are solid or at least had significant improvement, while the things I never do I still didn’t do: Spanish, cooking, exercise. (I might post a more detailed review later.) The thing I’m most happy with this year has been quantity of reading — I’ve read more in the last year than the past several years combined, and have also started keeping up with periodicals (New Yorker, Economist, Atlantic, Wired) pretty much every issue which has helped me feel much better informed about the world. The most significant device to me in 2009 wasn’t the iPhone, it was the Kindle.
In some ways I’ve nested a lot in the past year, including the oh-my-goodness scary commitment of buying my first place, but at the same time I’m still addicted to movement. I saw the excellent movie Up in the Air recently and related to it more than I was comfortable.
I’d like for twenty-six to be an infrastructure year, laying down the groundwork for things to come. No open source resolution like last year, but here’s what I’d like to focus on in 2010:
- Minimize and simplify, try to de-cruft and streamline as much as possible, particularly with regards to physical possessions.
- Move, which hopefully is a good opportunity for the above.
- Eat, hopefully not too richly, and stop when I’m full. (I have so much trouble with that, I love food and I’m a completionist.)
- Watch Farscape from start to finish, since my sister gave it to me for Christmas.
- Bike and walk, more than drive.
- Learn more about captology.
- Showcase my photography, in print, somewhere.
- Redesign, this site, because it’s fun.
- Talk more, with the people I love.
- Eliminate “sort of” and “kind of” from my speech.
- Launch, launch, launch. (Code for me: JQ, OT, NA, MT, BB, UL, MA, VP, NT, 5L, 20, 70.)
This is the eighth year I’ve blogged my birthday: 19, 20, 21, 22 (this one is funny), and 23, 24, and 25. Whew. Here’s to the second quarter century of life.
All birthday posts: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Matt!
Happy Birthday! Hope you’re having a great time wherever you are
Feliz Cumpleanos Matt! ^_^
Happy Birthday, Matt!
I like the minimize and simplify goal.
What about eating til you’re 2/3 full, like the Japanese recommend?
Happy birthday, Matt!
Happy Birthday Matt! W/O Facebook it’s hard to remember birthdays anymore lol… cheers!
Many many happy returns of the day Matt!
Hey Matt! Happy Birthday
Hi Sir Matt! Happy Birthday to you! You’re one of the most successful person that I know and you serve as an inspiration to many of us. More power to you and to all Automattic projects!
Merry new year to you! Or, as they say, +1!
(no BBQ launch?
Cheers to 25 more big ones!
Happy Bday!
Happy Birthday Matt!
Hope 2010 is kind to you.
Happy Birthday buddy, sorry you’re not in Vegas this time!
Your birthday cheer on flickr!
And a very happy birthday.
Happy best birthday ever in the known universe. The world needs some good people like you,
Happy b-day, and good luck with that second ¼ century!
Happy Birthday Mate.
Hey Matt, you’re a real inspiration.
I’m sure I’ll get to meet you some day during my startup adventures!
Hope you have a great birthday.
i love the term completionist. what a brilliant excuse for finishing an all too large mission burrito. and..
feliz cumpleanos
Happy Birthday … all the way from a WordPress supporter in Thailand! Hope you and Automattic have a great year!
Happy Birthday. I didn’t realize how young you were.
Happy birthday! And people, read this one:
Very funny, indeed
“Eat, hopefully not too richly, and stop when I’m full.”
80% rule: Stop eating when you feel 80% full!
happy birthday! I hope the card I sent you went to the right place.
Wow … Happy Birthday … feliz cumpleaños, Wish you all the best
Happy Birthday Matt. Thank you for making the Internet so beautiful.
Happy birthday Matt! We all love to see you meet your goals. it encourages us.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Matt!
Happy birthday
Happy birthday, Matt.
Happy 26th Matt!
Happy Birthday! I hope you succeed in everything you plan to do!
Happy Birthday Matt! Many more…
You’re only 26? Seems like you’ve been doing wordpress forever Matt!
Well done the making it past the QC and now your well on your way to the half centuary!
Happy Birthday!
Nice to know I share a birthday with someone famous. Many happy returns – your 26 – I can double that at 52
Happy Birthday-! Keep working hard, and do your best, ok?
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!
Consider stopping before you get full. I’ve heard it takes 15 to 20 minutes for your digestive system to tell your brain that you’ve had enough to eat.
Just a thought.
But eat all the birthday cake you can hold!
You’re at just the right time for a quarter-life crisis! Enjoy it!
Happy Birthday, Matt. Don’t make too many resolutions; it just makes you feel guilty. I made one this year: unsubscribe from unwanted email lists. I still can’t manage to make a dent after two weeks! So I conclude that resolutions suck.
But you don’t. You’re such a sweetheart! Good luck in your new place, and get a cleaning person immediately. That’s the secret to home ownership.
Congrats on a great 2009 com padre! I have no doubt 2010 will be another spectacular year for you.
Happy birthday! Here’s to many more…
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!
Farscape is epic. Good luck!
And wonderful way to lay things out for a new year.
You know which goal I like the best and I have to say, you are off to a stellar start!
I like that goal as well! I am also very happy that you will finally be able to see the end of Farscape.
Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, you’re missing The Peacekeeper Wars (the movie they made several years after the series finale). Maybe I’ll get it for you next Christmas.
Happy Birthday Matt.. and thanks a million for being
Happy Birthday Matt! It amazes me to think that you’re only 26! Considering the number of amazing things you accomplished in 2009, I’d say you have your work cut out for you this year. But with 3.0 and the bazillion other things I’m sure you have up your sleeve, i’m sure it’s not going to be that tough
Happy Birthday!
I’m 26 in June and so I always read your targets with interest. Keeps me sharp knowing how much you’ve done in a similar time, inspiring really.
Great to meet you last year, hope to again some day.
Have a great day&year, best of luck with your goals.
-Mark (25 for now)
Happy Birthday, dearie!
Happy Birthday
Publishing your photos in print sounds exciting!
Wish you a very happy birthday Matt! and many more!
Showcase photography in print – nothing beats the feeling of seeing a pic u clicked, in print!
A very happy birthday to you, Matt. It was so nice to spend time with you while you were at Delhi for the wordcamp.
I’m sure you will have many reasons for celebrations this year.
Happy Birthday ! So young, so much done.
I’m working on Farscape too! I recently got the series set and am midway through season 3.
Per molts anys Matt!
Happy B Day
Happy belated Birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day! Can’t image what all of us would do without WP. Thanks and keep up the good work at Automattic.
Dear Matt!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Blogging to you!
From Russia with love!)))
Happy Birthday Matt. Good luck to you in all!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, Matt!
Congratulations! Health, love and success in generating great success.
Hi Matt,
Hey! Happy Birthday bro. wishing all the best.
Your friend here in Vegas!
Happy birthday, keep inspiring the rest of us!
Happy birthday Matt!
Happy Birthday, Matt! 26 was a big year for me…I’m sure yours will be just as big. Curious about your launches!
You have had a cool quarter century Matt – congratulations!
I just read the V2.2 post – it has hell funny
Happy Birthday and God Bless you man!
happy birthday, matt!
Happy Birthday, biking and walking could help all of the other things, bringing you fresh ideas.
I’m picturing the top of a hill, which you’ve climbed yourself with the bike – that could be the best inspiration.And since you’re completionist, you just have to start
Happy birthday Matt!
Time surely flies!
Happy B’day Sirji,
Keep the good work going on
Happy B’Day Matt!
Happy birthday Matt – here’s to a great and productive 2010!
Happy Birthday Matt
happy birthday!
“生日快乐” in chinese
Happy Birthday, Matt! Success and Happiness!
Happy 26th birthday, Matt!
Hi Matt HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.
Congrats. Have been watching Farscape the past month on Netflix. Up to season 3. Not bad.
Happy (belated) Birthday! What a great idea to blog on the auspicious day … and thanks for sharing the older versions
Happy Birthday Matt.
I just turned 29 recently.
Hope you have a great 2010.
Interesting about the Kindle. My father just got one and since I’ve played with it for a few minutes I’ve really wanted to buy one but now I’m waiting to see what Apple comes out with.
Happy birthday Matt! And thanks for your WordPress inventions.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Bday Mr WordPress!
Happy Birthday. I’m turning 26 in 3 days and haven’t quite done as much with my life… congrats and keep up the great work! i feel like a bum
Happy Birthday Matt!
Happy Birthday
Dude, your sister gave you Farscape? Wow! You are lucky! That’s my all time favorite Si Fi show!
Happy Birthday Matt, and yes the Kindle was significant. Now, what do I get the man,who has everything?
I thank God that you were born. I will never be able to blog if it was not for WordPress that you invented.
I was trying so many stuff in order to bring my Christian resource blog online, before I stumbled upon WordPress, and none of them really worked.
Any way happy birth day and looking forward to WordPress 3.0… God bless you and your work.
La Multi Ani Matt! (Happy Birthday into Romanian)
We are happy you exist! I cann’t imagine my life without WordPress!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday! And while I’m at it, thanks for the inspiration that brought me into the web development world.
Happy Birthday Matt! Hopefully you can make it down to Hawaii again like you did that one time at pod camp lol. We shook hands but never really talked, lets add that too the list of resolutions if you make it back down here
Joyeux anniversaire (from France)
Happy Birthday Matt
Feliz cumpleanos, amigo… As a fellow gringo who grew up in a broder state, I can tell you the quickest way to learn Spanish is to find yerself a very pretty and smart “profesora”… but your current squeeze won’t be too happy.. I married my profesora, thus ending my foreign languages… Thanks for being here..thanks more than I can ever express for not only bringing WordPress into being, but making it so eazzy… I am an ex-Drupal user… gave that up in 2007… felicidades!!!
Wow, Matt. You share a birthday with my son. he’s a little younger though.
Practice Jiu-Jitsu
Happy Birthday Matt.
Have a fantastic 2010.
Happy Birthday, Matt.
One thing, in addition to being a palidrome, yesterdays, date in binary was 30. Coincidentally, the day before was 26 in binary.
Thanks for your great work with WordPress!
I particularly love your first resolution! I am also going to follow in your footsteps there. Hope you had a great birthday. The cooking thing will get a revisit if I have anything to do with it.
Happy birthday, Matt! The best is yet to come.
Happy Birthday! And thanks for introducing me to the word completionist. Sure describes me! Good work for your first 25 years. I’m sure the best is yet to come.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Matt
Hope to catch up with you at a Wordcamp someday soon.
Happy birthday, Matt, and good luck on all of your plans for 2010.
Happy Birthday Matt!
Happy Birthday Matt, and good luck! WordPress Rules!
Happy Birthday Matt! I wish you a fantastic 2010!
Happy Birthday! La breithe sona duit!
Happy belated birthday wishes, Matt. Hope to see you again at Wordcamp Chicago, this year.
Happy Birthday Matt. You’ve done an amazing job getting a lot done by the time you turned 26. I look up to you a lot in that regard as someone who is a few years younger. Keep up the good work!
Happy B-day, matt! Will catch u later this year at Wordcamp
Happy Birthday Matt! Thanks for WordPress – it’s great to see how it goes on. Greetings from Poland
Happy belated Birthday!!
Bit late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I can help with spanish and cooking, not exercise that is my resolution too.
¡Feliz cumpleaños! Esperemos que este sea el año del español para tí
Happy Birthday! Of course, by the time I was 26 I had also conquered the Internet with my own open source software. No, wait, sorry… I meant I was addicted to Half Life 2, but it’s kind of similar…
Happy belated Birthday Matt!
You take beautiful photos, many of the photos of people look wonderful. Even if you print a limited edition of your photo book for friends and families will be a great fun.
P.S. I am looking at my library copy of Jeff Bridges’ “Pictures”. Jeff has taken some beautiful photos over the years and he started with printing a small number of copies for cast and crews of the films he was in.
Happy ‘belated’ birthday, Matt!
Good luck with your resolutions
Regards from WordPress lover from Makassar, Indonesia

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Nachtraeglich!
– regarding your year ahead; you want to ‘[e]liminate “sort of” and “kind of”’ from your regular expressions?
As being precise and clear in descriptions and commentary?
Then read more, practice in writing and speaking (writing a speech). Very complementary, uh!?
I have know idea who you are. But happy birthday. lol
Though this is too late, I still wanted to greet you. Belated Happy Birthday!!!
Late is better than never Empress, at least you know who Matt is! I can’t believe someone commenting on a WordPress blog would NOT know who Matt is! LOL!!
Be lated Happy birth day Matt! I wish your success and happy life.
Happy birthday Matt
I Hope see you In Iran some day