Typepad Splogs
I just wanted to give a quick kudos to the Typepad folks for being one of the best in the industry when it comes to dealing with splogs. Since they’re a paid service I don’t come across splogs on Typepad very often, but when I do their support is easy to contact, very responsive (I had a reply from “Carla” within 3 hours), and they obviously understand the problem and how to deal with it.
Mac Woes
After a security update my 12″ Powerbook asked me to reboot, after which it decided that it will only boot to a command line. I have no idea how to even start to fix this, I can navigate around it like it’s Linux but there is no indication of what went wrong or how to fix it. I’m going to take it to the Genius bar in hopes they can do something, but all-in-all this is pretty disappointing.
Gallery: 9-21-2006
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A Tribute to Lonelygirl15, new blog from the creators of the original Lonelygirl15. From Tech Republic, “Our entire backend that supports the Web site is free because we use WordPress,” Beckett said. “Five years ago, you would have had to buy UNIX boxes and build a custom content management system.”
BMR: FutureSex / LoveSounds
Binary Music Review, FutureSex / LoveSounds by Justin Timberlake: 1.
bbPress Integration
Simpler integration with WordPress and bbPress, this is getting really cool.
Feeling Automattic. Lloyd Budd, of Flock/Mozilla fame, has joined Automattic full-time. 🙂
Design Matters
Robert Accettura writes in that Lenovo, makers of the Thinkpad, is now blogging on WP. (And it’s surprisingly good.) Check out this post on their keyboard drainage system.
Blogging from Space
The Day Has Come, Anousheh Ansari Space Blog. This is the last post before the first woman space tourist heads into space. Is there wifi up there? This Xprize blog is part of our upcoming VIP program on WordPress.com. Update: This BBC article says “Ms Ansari says she will write the first blog from space.” I never would have guessed WP would be used from space!
Gallery: 9-16-2006
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When 100% is not 100%, this is related to one of the things I mentioned in my presentation yesterday at Future of Web Apps. You would think for how much they’re charging Rackspace could afford a less draconian interpretation of their “100%” promise, either that or they should invest more into their infrastructure.
Crazy Egg
Crazy Egg has launched, it’s the tool I used to generate this heatmap of the WP.com front page.
At Web Apps Summit
I’m here at the Web Apps Summit,one of the few folks online thanks to EVDO. The presentations have been really great thus far, and they only look like they’re going to get better. The venue (Palace of Fine Arts theatre) is really big, there must be 500+ people here.
New Servers
We’re looking to expand into a third datacenter for WordPress.com and related Automattic stuff. I’ve been asking around for quotes, but it occurred to me I should blog what we’re looking for because someone reading might be able to provide what we need, or know someone who could. One line summary of what we’re looking for: 22 boxes, AMD 3800 or similar, cheapest HD, 1-2gb of RAM, Debian AMD64 (this is important), private and public 100mbps network. I’d be happy to post more info in the comments if anyone wants it. A per-server monthly price including space and bandwidth is what we’re looking for.
Plaxo Revisited
It recently became more important for me to sync my address book across several computers on various platforms. Solutions like LDAP seemed like a pain and had bad support in Thunderbird. I don’t want to go to a hosted app like Joyent or Zimbra, and I need to be able to work offline. Anyway in my searches I came across Plaxo. In the past I grew to hate the Plaxo contact update spam I used to get every day, so I had pretty much permanently written it off.
However this time when I saw they had support for Thunderbird, Mac OS X address book, and Yahoo and I got pretty excited. I tried it out, and I am now syncing a Mac Mini, a Powerbook, a Macbook, my Windows desktop, and a Vaio laptop to a single address book. It cleaned up dupes pretty well, and the online interface is surprisingly usable as well. This is also the best way I know of to get Thunderbird to use the OS X address book, so you get integration with all the other apps like Adium which feed off that.
What could be improved? Sync is really hard, and few do it well. My experience with Plaxo has been pretty good thus far—I think I’ve avoided spamming anyone for contact updates—and I’d love to connect other bits and pieces into the Plaxo cloud. They should open up their API so developers can start to integrate the system into other products and services, and it can become a de facto standard.
Update: They do have an API, I had just missed it. Cool!
Gallery: 9-11-2006
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Happy Pals
Happy Pals is a plugin for WordPress to denote relationships within links.
Gallery: 9-8-2006
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