Image Title Plugin

Coldforged has an entry title image replacement plugin that lets you have titles like mine (done previously) that also has word-wrapping. I think I saw an approach somewhere (was it b2evo?) that actually broke each word into a separate image. For me the length limitation isn’t a limitation as much as a sanity check, if I’m writing titles so long it breaks my site I should probably shorten up a bit. I’ve also found caching isn’t worth it, every title here has been completely dynamic for about a year now.

Comcast Cable

I finally got internet hooked up at my house today. I ended up going with Comcast mostly because MJ sweet talked me into it. I just ran the speed test from DSL Reports on it and it came back 3469 down and 230 up. That’s over three megabits downstream, crazy! I could get used to this. Now I can finally get start getting things done from home again. (I had internet before but it was a patchy wifi connection that wasn’t reliable.)


My things are finally here. Thankfully the movers were pretty good, I’d heard some horror stories from people that had me anxious. The Comcast guy gets here tomorrow, and then I should be able to really settle in at home. Things I missed most: bed/pillows/blankets, camera battery charger, shoes, and vanilla candles.


Reger is a blogging system with different types of logs for every activity from running to what clothes you wore. It basically lets you attach certain types of data to posts and then graph it out. What’s neat is something like this could be implemented as a plugin for WordPress using custom fields.

Core Values

Mary Hodder’s session on Core Values of bloggers is pretty interesting. They’re discussing trust and identity online, also editorial integrity and money. Excellent moderation. People who happen to be vendors can still give valuable feedback. For example, Brendon Wilson works for PGP, but he had something valuable to offer to the conversation about encryption that wasn’t tied to his company’s product or any specific vendor. I think everyone here is smart enough to smell a demo, as someone said earlier. Lunch was very interesting, talked a lot with Matt Shobe from Feedburner. The list: democracy, attribution, transparency, innovation, personalization, accessibility, honesty, creativity, who people are, editorial independence, connectedness. Bad: power law economics, lack of attribution, anononimity (good and bad), whuffie-hoarding, links for money.

Loud Typers

I’m in Robert Scoble’s session and there was a minor episode between Bob Wyman and Dave Winer and a few people left, but I think things have calmed down a bit. What’s really striking me right now is how loud it is even though no one is talking. The clatter of everyone typing makes it sound like it’s drizzling outside. Lawrence Lessig is a very loud typist.