Webshots Shoebox

I got the scoop that Webshots has a new beta experiment up called Webshots Shoebox which is like a universal photo aggregator mashup. Get the bookmarklet and it’ll all make sense. I noticed it imports tags from Flickr too. They have a blog to engage the conversation, so go check it all out. (The blog is on WordPress, of course.) Accord to Alexa Webshots.com has the #58 most traffic in the world. (Slashdot is #1,421.) Hat tip: Narendra.

T-Shirt Plea

Open letter to free schwag people: Not all geeks are XXL! There is a reason the small and medium shirts are the first to go. Please keep the smaller geeks in mind when purchasing your merch. Conference organizers: make t-shirt size part of the registration so you can give your vendors a heads-up to the size makeup of the conference. (Other than that, Gnomedex is going great.)