Google’s RSS Ads

A blogger applies for Adsense RSS and finds “As I had suspected, during the inital testing phase they are only accepting and Movable Type/ TypePad blogs as of this time.” I would love to know from someone at Google (maybe Jason Shellen?) if there was any technical or logistical reason they decided not to support the 140,000+ WordPress users or if it was just a lack of communication, which is entirely possible (and very plausible considering how busy everyone is). I would encourage WP users to sign up for Adsense for Feeds and list “WordPress” in the “Other” field. Update: Communication has started. (Thanks, Jason F.!)

Subversioning WordPress Upgrades

Here is the simple script I use to upgrade all the WordPress sites I run on a single server in one fell swoop. Each site is a Subversion checkout of the WordPress trunk so getting the latest changes and merging them with my version is a simple command, however remembering to do each site was a pain. It also helped me figure out exactly how many WordPress installation I’m responsible for upgrading. (Twenty-seven.) Just fill out the array with the site roots of each install (use locate wp-login.php to find them) and run the script on the command like php upgrade-sites.php. I also like to put the time command in front to see how long things take.

Episode III

I just got home from seeing Star Wars Episode III, and it was a fantastic movie. Totally worth staying up to 4 AM for. Not just a great Star Wars movie, but a Good Movie independent of anything else out there. Then again I’m a total sucker for epic space sci-fi and cheeseball storylines, but go see it and decide for yourself. I’ll probably catch it once or twice more this weekend.

High Traffic Sites

Just got this email, “I am the artist manager for Bob Ricci, famous parody artist. Our site ( caters to more than 350,000 hits a day from fans worldwide. I wanted to let you know that in our years of being online and having to support such a large amount of global traffic is the only software we have found that is able to withstand the amount of traffic and offer us a community/news service in the online marketplace.” Sweet!

Red Herring Alert

I just got a Google alert for a Red Herring article on Six Apart set to publish in a few days. They mention us here: “Critics of Six Apart say that WordPress, a blog publishing platform developed by a grassroots team, is more robust than Movable Type. WordPress is also open source and free. But things are different in Six Apart’s cash-crop enterprise space, where support and security are at the top of the list. Half of Movable Type servers sit behind a firewall, says Mr. Berkowitz.”

Foto Mateo

In the interest of expanding the Photo Matt audience we’ve commissioned a team of expert translators to create Foto Mateo. šŸ˜‰ Update: To clarify, this is a joke. It just is a Google translate proxy of this site. Read the comments for more. Thanks for everyone who emailed in that it was, in fact, a very bad translation.

Update Phishing

I just got a spam/phishing email that looks exactly like a Windows Update notification, and every link in the email is to a real Microsoft site, save one. The download link, which I must “Install now to maintain the security of your computer from these vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow an attacker to run code on your computer,” goes to a file named Windows-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe on the domain I’m sure the exe will do awful things to whoever falls for this. I hope Microsoft/Scoble get their lawyers on whoever is behind this, I’ll admit until I noticed the download link domain the email seemed totally legit. Sold

So has been sold and there are no details as to who it’s going to (or for how much), which is odd. As a user I feel sort of blinded by oncoming headlights, but hopefully more information will be available shortly. There were 12,207 users when I first got the announcement, the number seems to be going down. I hope the new owner is cool. Update: I heard the new owner is cool.