Import and Export

Marc asks about export in the next version of WordPress. It’s actually the very first item on the list because it got bumped from 1.5 because of time constraints. The main holdup has been WordPress supports rich data like custom fields and slugs, which users love, but it makes a lossless import and export a pain. Most other blog tools have a WordPress importer already simply because it’s a market leader, so don’t think the export will improve portability much, but it should make a nice way to backup and restore a WP blog.

Webshots Shoebox

I got the scoop that Webshots has a new beta experiment up called Webshots Shoebox which is like a universal photo aggregator mashup. Get the bookmarklet and it’ll all make sense. I noticed it imports tags from Flickr too. They have a blog to engage the conversation, so go check it all out. (The blog is on WordPress, of course.) Accord to Alexa has the #58 most traffic in the world. (Slashdot is #1,421.) Hat tip: Narendra.

T-Shirt Plea

Open letter to free schwag people: Not all geeks are XXL! There is a reason the small and medium shirts are the first to go. Please keep the smaller geeks in mind when purchasing your merch. Conference organizers: make t-shirt size part of the registration so you can give your vendors a heads-up to the size makeup of the conference. (Other than that, Gnomedex is going great.)