First Night

Note: This is an extremely rough draft, sans links, grammar, and coherence. This will be updated with all of the above.

As you can see from the last few posts, I was quite lost for a little bit. Once I got to Austin and Charleen (my sister) wasn’t sure where Stubbs was, I decided to follow my intuition on which side of town it was on, and then find a Starbucks once I got closer and look up the actual address. I ended up exiting by the University of Texas, and I drove around for about 10 minutes. No Starbucks! So I basically war drove around until I found a good signal, a place to stop, and decided where I was. Fortunately I was only about 5 minutes from where I needed to be. Once I followed the easy directions there, parking was another matter. I drove and drove and drove ’til I finally broke down and forked up $5 for parking. I walked down to Stubb’s, went in, and realized I had no idea where everyone was. After looking around for a while it seemed the only course of action would be to call Mike or Christine, but both of their numbers were back in the car. So uphill two blocks to the car, boot laptop, grab numbers, call Mike. He couldn’t have been more helpful and met me at the front door and guided me to the “VIP Room”.

Once I was in I honestly recognized about two people, both of which only because their pictures are prominent on their sites. I was introduced briefly to Brad, and I filled out a name-card and entry form for a door prize. Sat with Christine, Coffee Mike, and a few others whose name’s escape me. Christine and Mike had just gotten there about 10 minutes before me, as they had been a bit lost too, though in a different area. Unfortunately we were too late for any food, which looked excellent. I hope I can make it back there sometime soon. I saw people there I would have liked to talk to, but I was tired from the drive and a bit shy. As it turned out it wasn’t a problem because there was much more mingling downstairs later.

The last person to get there was the famous Jish, who entered to applause. He flew in from ??? with a three hour stopover in Denver. I was pleasantly surprised when he not only said hello but remembered my name as well. (We met a while back.)

Party moved downstairs with Jish and Mike.I talked briefly to Wes Felter, had Cam tell me he was someone else (for a moment). where I got to meet Rannie and Ernie, who are both delightful, Alison, Mike, and more than a few others whose name’s also escape me. I had a very pleasant conversation with Joe Clark for a while; fascinating guy. I finally found out why he spells it “shurely”.

Went to Ivory Cat, but they couldn’t accommodate or something. Same thing at blues club down the street.

Decided that food was a must, ate with Christine, Mike, and Mike. Hamburger was great.

Went to the lounge of the Omni to smooze. Met Ming Yum, another Mike, Kristen (, talked with Jish, played around with Rannie and Lucian. Then walked back with Coffee Mike and Christine.

20 minutes later, I’m now at my sister’s house and looking forward to the soft bed that awaits me.

I Once Was Lost

I’m in Austin! The bad news is I’m kinda lost :). I’ve been wandering around aimlessly looking for a wireless signal and I’ve just found a good one. Now it’s time to get on Mapquest and find how the hell to get where I’m going. Of course first I have to figure out where I am…

Heading out!

And so it begins. I’m showered, the car is washed, everything I need (I hope) is in the car, and I’m ready to roll. It’s not a short drive though, so it’s a good thing I love driving! See everyone in Austin.

Yes! No!

The chant worked; the mail came! Unfortunately my letter wasn’t in it. Fear not though, things can still go as planned. The party is on! I leave… soon. Really.

Mr Mailman

To the tune of Mr Sandman

Mr Mailman
Where could you be?
I’ve got to leave
Way before three
Your lousy schedule
While isn’t suprising
Is gonna make my blood pressure be rising

Mr Mailman
Give me a clue
I’ve based my day
Around the things that you do

Please get in your little Jeeeeep
Mr Mailman
Bring my mail to meeeee

Getting Started

Well I slept a little late but now that I’m awake I’m going to get the last few things ready before I head up to Austin. I’m planning to blog everything this weekend so this should be a good opportunity to start. Most of the major stuff is done, I’m just waiting on an important letter (read: check) in the mail before I leave. I can’t dawdle for too long though, as tonight at 6 I “Break Bread with Brad“. But for now I’m running late, and need to get my rear in gear.

Launder Money

Yes it’s true, this evening I laundered about $22. And my wallet. I had a washing mishap not all that long ago, and you’d think I would have learned my lesson by now. The only thing I was terribly worried about in the wallet was my Free Software Foundation membership card/CD. It’s actually a bootable distribution in the shape of a business card and was quite cool. (I’m member #246.) It looks like everything is going to be fine though, even the Sudanese dinars and the “One Free Kiss” card from the Renaissance Festival seemed to have not gotten too mangled.

Palm OS!

Which OS are You? I'm Palm OS.
Which OS are You?

This is so funny, and certainly ironic in that this Saturday I will be missing my first HPUG meeting ever since I founded it about two years ago. Go for it and let me know what you get in the comments. I got this via the lovely Rachel, who will have a site soon. (I promise!)


As SxSWi rapidly approaches, and my spring break zooms by faster than I could have imagined, I find myself knee-deep in Smarty, which I feel is the most pleasant engine/enviroment/platform/whatever I’ve used in a very long time. Everything is so elegant, extensible, and well thought out. It is simple at its core, but brims with power. Plus it absolutely flies with PHP Accelerator. It looks like I’m going to use this for everything from now on.

Try To Take Over the World

Josh: So what are we doing tomorrow night?
Matt: The same thing we do every night, Pinky…

The other highlight was when Josh decided going to hell would be like the end of the Wizard of Oz. Pshaw. Everyone knows the Wizard of Oz is an allegory of William Jennings Bryan and the free silver movement.

Spring Broken

On this delightfully dreary day I’ve decided to bundle up for a spell with some hot tea and get some serious coding done. In fact that’s much how my day has been so far: code, code, code, surf blogs, (4 hours later) code. We’ll see how this goes…

Search Updated

I’ve cleaned up the ht://dig search engine quite a bit, though I still have to hack it to be XHTML 1.1 compliant and fit better with the site, but after updating the index I got these interesting stats:

htstat: Total documents: 11490
htstat: Total words: 1933258
htstat: Total unique words: 17660

The bulk of those pages are from the photolog, which is currently 5200 photos, but before the index was huge because my URLs weren’t very tidy and sometimes the same thing would have 10 different ways to access it. That’s still true a bit, but I’m working on it. Also I’ve been working very hard on a new project, but I’m not sure if I’m supposed to talk about it yet.

SxSW Interactive

So, is anyone else going to South by Southwest Interactive next week? This will be my first time and I’m incredibly excited, but also a little bit anxious since I have no idea what it’s going to be like. I’m going to be staying in Pflugerville with my wonderful sister but I suspect I’m going to spend most of my time in town.

If you’ve been before, I’d love to hear whatever tidbits of advice you have. If you’re going, definitely let me know and hopefully we can meet up. I’d love to start putting some non-Houston faces with the domain names :).